Aeneas, a Trojan hero, manages to save his son and father from the burning ruins of Troy.
Dido, Queen of Carthage, was deeply depressed. She vowed never to love after her husband died. However, she began to fall in love with Aeneas.
The witches assemble in a deep ravine. Their leader commands the destruction of Carthage to punish Dido and Aeneas.
A witch reports that Aeneas and Dido are going hunting. One of the witches disguises as Mercury.
The witch comes to Aeneas in a clearing and demands that he must set sail for Italy at once by command of Zeus. The other witches create a storm to force the hunting party to return to the palace.
Aeneas is shaken but prepares to do his duty. Dido feels that the gods have punished her for breaking her vow never to love again.
As Aeneas sails for Italy, Queen Dido dies.