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Costa Rica

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Costa Rica

By: Katie Walgurski
Photo by Wha'ppen

Who settled here?
Chinese, Indians, and Asians 19th century

Photo by lisby1

Who originally lived there?
Carib Indians

What type of government do they have?
Democratic Republic

Photo by vgm8383

What are some historical events that had happened?
The first explorer to encounter Costa Rica was Christopher Columbus.

What is the economy like?

10.6 unemployment and 45.13 gdp
Photo by c_ambler

What are some major geographic features?

Rain forests, Coastal Plains, volcanic mountain ranges (Corillera de Guanaeast, Corillera Central, Cordllera Talamanea), mangrove swamps, National parks

Photo by TeryKats

What cultural traditions do people in Costa Rica have?
Easter, Christmas, "Day of the culture Encounter," "Fiesta De Los Diablitos"

What are some challenges and what are some positives and negatives?
Over the last 25 years Costa Rica has been one of the fasts growing encomnies. They are an armyless nation.

Photo by Amir Kuckovic

What are some important people in Cost Rica?
President: Luis Guillermo Solis
First Women President: Laura Chinchilla
Soccer Player: Leonardo Gonakez

Similarities between Costa Rica and North America
Economy: They both trade
Culture: They both celebrate Christmas and Easter
Historical events/people/other: Christopher Columbus both discovered Costa Rica and North America

Photo by Jeff Kubina

Differences between Costa Rica and North America
Economy: You would make 76.51% less money at your job
Government: Unitary State, Liberal Democracy, Presidential System, Constitutional Republic

Would I want to live in Costa Rica? Or immigrate from your country to the US?
I wouldn't want to because I like where I am from and I would miss my friends and family. Also I would get paid less money