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Lecompton constitution

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Lecompton Constitution Project- Coke Matthews, Jake Sansom, William Scott


Lecompton constitution

Coke Matthews, Jake Sansom, William Scott


  • Fall of 1857
  • Pro-Slavery government in Lecompton, Kansas
  • Application for the Union with a constitution 


  • Freesoilers outnumbered slavers 10:1
  • Rejected the constitution protecting slaveholder's rights
  • Legislature held a referendum; people voted for slavery

Aspects of Lecompton constitution

  • Topeka Constitution
  • Reaffirmed traditional voting requirements
  • Bill of rights excluded free blacks, and slavery = legal


  • Buchanan endorsed the constitution
  • Southern support helped him win presidency
  • Thought that freesoilers overreacted; only 200 slaves in Kansas

Steven douglas

  • Democratic senator from Illinois
  • Constitution against popular sovereignty
  • Attacked Buchanan for endorsing constitution

Debate over constitution

  • Antislavery Coalition backs Douglas
  • Douglas asked for another referendum
  • Voters rejected constitution in summer of 1858, 10,266 to 138


  • To North, Douglas = hero; to South, Douglas = traitor
  • Democrats split- divide of North and South
  • Debate over constitution caused Lincoln's election

Works Cited

Works cited 2

works cited 3