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Marco Polo

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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1254 - 1324


Early Life

Marco Polo was born in Venice, Italy. His family was, his mom Nicole, his dad Niccolo, his 5 brothers and 1 sister. His full name is Marco Michelle Polo. Marco wanted to be a writer and explorer, and he was. The game," Marco Polo " was invented by his sister. His aunt taught him math, writing and reading.


Marco never went to school as a child, he was home schooled. His aunt taught him how to use foreign money, deal with cargo ships and how to inspect product. He also learned how to read and write as a young kid. Marco went to a school in China when he was 18 but, he never went to college. His job when he grew up was a merchant, an explorer and a writer. He wrote stories in his journal about his travels.

Photo by sure2talk

Major Accomplishments
When Marco was 17 he crossed the Black Sea to China. The Emperor of China Kublai Khan enjoyed Marco's company and insisted everybody call Marco "Master Marco". But, one of his main achievements was crossing the Silk Road with his father and uncle in 1271. The journey lasted a long time and they even crossed the Gobie Desert "of the shifting sands". In Marco's travels he went to Jerusalem, Trabizond, Constanople, Kerman, Bukhara, Kashgar, Samarkand, Landshou, Yunnan, Amoy, Beijing. He did tons of traveling when he was assisting Kublai Khan. When he was going to China he went though Trabriz, Hormuz, Brocan, Callucut, Changu, Paking, Hangchow and many more.

Character Traits
Brave- Marco is brave because he crossed the Black Sea when he was 17.
Daring- Marco went to China.
Trustworthy- Marco helped Kublai Khan for a long time and he always did the right thing.

Photo by TZA

Timeline for Marco Polo
1254- Marco is born in Venice, Italy.
1260- His mom dies and his dad, aunt, and uncle raise him.
1262- Marco's father and uncle meet Kublai Khan.
1271-Marco goes to China.
1274- Marco arrives at China and meets Kublai Khan.
1275- Marco goes on his first mission for Kublai Khan.
1280- Marco starts working for Kublai Khan.
1295- Marco goes home to Venice

Timeline Continued
1298- Marco goes to prison during a war.
1299- Marco is free from prison but, is still considered a prisoner.
1300- Marco gets married.
1307- Marco becomes famous.
1324- Marco Polo dies.
1453- Marco's journey is copied.
1851- A ship was named "Marco Polo."

Marco Polo Fun Facts

  • Marco Polo inspired Christopher Columbus to travel.
  • Marco Polo wrote a book called " The Description Of The World " later known as " The Travels Of Marco Polo.
  • Christopher Columbus brought a copy of Marco Polos book while traveling.
  • Marco Polos wife gave birth to three children.
  • While Marco was dying fans of his book tried to get him to say that his book is fiction.