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Anticipatory Set:
Have students share what they think of when they hear the word kingdom.
Ask students what they can tell me about the phrase "the kingdom of heaven" (this might be a churchy term and it would be good to establish a base line before jumping in).
Instructional Obj. and Purpose:
Following along with our look at Matthew 6, we are now looking at the first part of verse 10 which is part of the Lord's prayer. Here Jesus makes reference to the Kingdom of God and we need to know more about that in order to be able to pray for its coming.
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Matthew 6:10

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Matthew 6:10

Anticipatory Set:
Have students share what they think of when they hear the word kingdom.
Ask students what they can tell me about the phrase "the kingdom of heaven" (this might be a churchy term and it would be good to establish a base line before jumping in).
Instructional Obj. and Purpose:
Following along with our look at Matthew 6, we are now looking at the first part of verse 10 which is part of the Lord's prayer. Here Jesus makes reference to the Kingdom of God and we need to know more about that in order to be able to pray for its coming.
Photo by -Piskami

Matthew 6:10

  • "...your kingdom come, 
  • your will be done
  • on earth as it is in heaven
Have students read and tell them we are going to focus on "your kingdom come."
Photo by ecstaticist

Where does Jesus teach about the kingdom?

Matthew 13:31&32
Introduce again the idea of the Kingdom of God and then have the students read Mt 13:31&32 about the parable of the mustard seed. Discuss with students briefly Biblical "end times" idea, simply that one day this world will end and everyone who wants Jesus will live and reign with Him forever.
Explain that although that is yet to happen, when Jesus came, He brought part of the Kingdom with Him and it is the part that lives in us.

a mustard seed 

the kingdom is like 
It might look small now, but it will become something great, so great, it will be all there is one day (Mt 13:30).
Ask the students to each summarize what they think the mustard seed symbolizes. Through brain storming, help students see that even if we are not sure what the mustard seed represents, we can still understand that the Kingdom is going to start off small and become something huge. Maybe this means that the Kingdom will start with only a few who are loyal and true to the King, but eventually the Kingdom will grow and many will bow to Jesus.
Photo by Ian Muttoo

What does this mean for 

the way that we pray?
Connect Mt 13:31&32 back to 6:10a and the Lord's prayer. Remind them that Jesus is referring to this Kingdom in the middle of teaching us how to pray.
Ask the students who the Kingdom will affect?
Ask how it will impact those people if we are praying for Jesus to bring the Kingdom?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

What does it mean for the world?

If the Kingdom ultimately ends will Jesus coming back, what does that mean for the world? What does it mean for the people we know who don't know about Jesus' love and sacrifice?
Ask the students to write down these questions and acknowledge that the answers to them are hard ones, but they are worth thinking about if Jesus says so.
Photo by Ben Cooper

what does it mean for us personally?

Bringing it in closer, help the students to realize present, personal impacts of praying for the Kingdom to come. Explain that this means we are praying not only for Jesus to come back, but also that He will use us for His kingdom one.
Reference parable of the weed and ask the students to write in their journal what this makes them think about.
Does the Kingdom feel near or far to them?
Is the idea still too big? How can they ask Jesus to help them understand it better?

Pick one:

  • Go on a scavanger hunt 
  • find something small that could turn into something big.
  • (ex: a brick could turn into a sky scraper)
  • OR: make a collage of the parable of the mustard seed
  • again, have the collage depict something small becoming great
Practice and Check for Understanding:
After having them journal, give them the options on slide. Students who chose first option will be done faster that second option, have them journal why they picked what they did and what it means to them.
Before leaving, have each student explain why they picked what they did and how it relates to the verses we read today for closure.