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Melissa Scipione
April 13, 2014
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New Face of Communication

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Social media and interpersonal communications


New Face of Communication
Social Media and Interpersonal Communications

Melissa Scipione
April 13, 2014
Photo by bengrey

Communication Stats

Interpersonal Communication Statistics -
~7% of communication is written or verbal (Tardanico, 2012).
~93% consists of non-verbal body language cues (Tardanico, 2012).
~1 in 4 people spend more time socializing online than in person (Fowlkes, 2012).
~By 2020 50% of the workforce will be made up of Gen Y and Millennial who will prefer social media over face-to-face communication creating a generational gap (Tardanico, 2012).

Communication Shift

"There has been a shift in the way we communicate; rather than face-to-face interaction, we're tending to prefer mediated communication."
~Paul Booth PhD.

Technological Determinism Theory – “the medium is the message”, people will adapt accordingly using the same means of communication in which society is using as a whole. “As the medium changes, so does society’s way of communicating” (Drussell, 2012). Actions, feelings and thinking is shaped by media technology.

People have become more social and interactive, though the styles of communication has shifted. We would rather communicate via email or text message than to meet in person or speak on the telephone (Keller, 2013).

Information Overload

Technology addiction is now listed as a mental illness “marked by emotional shutdown, lack of concentration, and withdrawal symptoms” (Keller, 2013). Such a strong sense of identity has been created online blurring the lines between virtual actions and real-life ones.
Photo by zipckr

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, Google+, You Tube, personal email, work email, IM, text messages. Half of our precious time is spent checking-in on our digital lives there becomes no room for our personal lives. A false sense life starts to take-over deterring our interpersonal communications skills (Rocha, 2013).

We start to rely more on the weak connections we form online and less on the strong connections we create in face-to-face communications (Keller, 2013).


Lack of non-verbal cue 
With the absence of non-verbal cues it is easy to create an illusion of the truth. Anyone can hide behind text, social media postings or emails portraying an image they feel others want to hear.

On a Friday evening in October a mother "chatted" with her daughter in college via text messages. All communication was positive, the daughter responded with an emoticon :-) but later that night the daughter attempted suicide (Tardanico, 2012).

It was discovered later that she had been hiding in her dorm room and showed signs of depression. Her mother none the wiser of this with the lack of non-verbal communication her daughter was able to paint a different picture from the true reality.


Drussell, J.(2012). Social Networking and Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills among College Freshmen. Master of Social Work Clinical Research Papers.Paper 21. Retrieved from:

Fowlkes,J.(2012). Opinion:Why social media is destroying our social skills.USA Today College. Retrieved from:http://www.usatodayeducate.com/staging/index.php/opinion/opinion-why-social...

Keller, M.(2013).Social media and interpersonal communications. Social Worker Today. Retrieved from: http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/051313p10.shtml

Rocha, C. (2013). Social media overload. PCmag.com. Retrieved from: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2422173,00.asp

Tardanico, S.(2012). Is social media sabotaging real communications? Forbes.com. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/susantardanico/2012/04/30/is-social-media-sabot...