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Odysseus's Journey

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by Jemimus

The Cicones
Odysseus's men raid the island of the Cicones. Then they had a BBQ on the beach, while fugitives went inland to alert the main force of the Cicones. They came and attacked Odysseus' men, killing many of them by the time they departed.

The Lotus Eaters
Odysseus and his men arrive at the coastline of the lotus eaters, the natives of the island. The lotus eaters showed the men their native plant, the lotus, which makes them forget their desire for home when eaten.

Photo by marc.benton

The Cyclopes
Odysseus and his men then arrive at the island of the Cyclopes, the home of Polyphemus. When Odysseus and his men explore, they become trapped by Polyphemus, who eats some of their crew. To escape, they drive a spike into his eye, and leave under the Cyclopes's sheep. Odysseus is then cursed by Polyphemus so that he will never come home or return a long time from then with no crew.

The Island of Aeolus
Aeolus, god of the winds, gives Odysseus a bag of bad winds to help him get home safely. His crew disobeys his orders and opens the bag.

Odysseus and his men are blown by the winds to the shore of the laestrygonians, giant cannibals, who devour and destroy all ships but Odysseus's.

Island of Circe
Odysseus's men discover a house on the island of Circe. They are lured in by Circe who offers them food and wine. When they enter, she turns them all into pigs. Fortunately, one man didn't enter, and was able to inform Odysseus about Circe. He is given a magical plant by Hermes that protects him from Circe.

The Land of the Dead
Odysseus travels to the land of the dead to learn his destiny. There he finds Teiresias, a prophet, who forewarns Odysseus about the fate of his men.

Island of Circe
Odysseus receives a warning about the three obstacles that he is about to face.

Odysseus and his men are passing the first obstacle, sirens, who appear to look like harpies. The crew covers their ears with beeswax, but ties Odysseus to the mast to let him listen.

Scylla and Charybdis
Odysseus and his men come across the final two obstacles. The first, Charybdis, is a giant whirlpool that will sink them if they aren't careful. The second, Scylla, is a six-headed monster. They manage to go past Charybdis, but lose six men to Scylla as a result.

Sun God (Helios)
Odysseus and his men arrive at the island of the sun god, thrinakia, where they find the god's cattle. After suffering from famine for several days, they decide to kill and eat some of the god's cattle. As a result, all but Odysseus are drowned when their boat is destroyed by Zeus.

Calypso's Island
Odysseus washes up on the island of Calypso, with no men. Calypso keeps him there for 7 years before finally releasing him.

The Land of the Phaecians
Odysseus washes up on the shore of Phaecia, where he tells the story of his travels to the king's court.