Social Media Storytelling: An Overview and Case Study -- My end of the quarter presentation for my Social Media in Business class for the University of Washington's Certificate Program for Social Media Technologies & Implementation. #UWSMC
Your core story needs to be unique, engaging and meaningful. Think about what it is that makes your brand different from the others; what’s your brand’s secret sauce?
Telling stories is in our DNA. We tell stories everyday; whether they’re about our day at work or the movie we saw the other night, we tell these stories because they are pieces of our life and they ultimately help make us who we are.
We tell stories because of the major shifts in relationships
We also tell stories on social media platforms because of the major shifts in relationships caused by new technology. When we think about traditional forms of marketing and advertising, communication is one-way.
Brands used to be able to build a campaign that will push their product or service onto their customers and as a result, customers will make that purchase. Traditional forms of marketing allowed brands to tell their customers what they’re needs and desires are, and tell them that their products or services are the solution to their needs.