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Slide Notes

My writing life became easier, once I discovered the secrets of platform, and so will yours.

Your "platform" is basically your readership:


Slide deck presented by Angela Booth.

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

Writing Like a Pro: 10 Ways To Build Your Writer's Platform

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Want to build your writer's platform? In 2014 and beyond, it's essential for professional and aspiring writers. It's the difference between success, and failure. Here's the key: platform-focused writers are reader-focused. The benefits are amazing.


WritinG Like A Pro:

10 Ways To Build Your Writer's Platform.
My writing life became easier, once I discovered the secrets of platform, and so will yours.

Your "platform" is basically your readership:


Slide deck presented by Angela Booth.

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

1. Who Are you?

Consider how you see yourself as a writer.
How do you see yourself?

Think about what you write, and what you'd like to write. Image yourself five years from now.

You read a review of something you've written. What does the reviewer say? How does he see you?

Create a dream bio. Write 50 words.

2. Who's Your AUdience?

Consider your ideal reader. Write a description of him/ her.
Your platform is your readers. Each reader is an individual.

Think about your ideal reader. Who is she? Does she have children? Where does she live?

Write 50 words describing your ideal reader. Consider her your friend -- your best friend.

Give her a name if you wish. Writing's easier when you write for a friend.

3. Write for your audience.

You're writing for a friend.
Before you start writing anything, consider your audience, just as you would if you were writing an email message to someone.

Your audiences may vary, but you're always writing for one person.

4. Promote to Your audience.

Where does your friend hang out?
You're writing for readers. They need to find you. Where do your readers hang out?

Consider offline venues, as well as online. Join groups.

Networking and promotion can be fun: you're making friends.

More in "Writing Like a Pro: 10 Ways To Build Your Writer's Platform" -


5. Make the Most Of your blog.

Blogging is instant publishing.
If you know me, you know I LOVE blogging.

Give blogging a chance. It's a way of getting readers and building your platform) as quickly as you can type...

Photo by Kris Olin

6. See yourself successful.

Avoid saboteurs.
Sad but true. Those who love you most may belittle your writing endeavors. (At least at first.)

You don't need permission, nor validation to build your platform.

Think about your readers, and write.

7. Grow Your platform.

Reader by reader.
One reader becomes two.

Two readers become a dozen.

A dozen readers become 100.

A hundred readers...

Grow your platform word by word. Reader by reader.

Photo by trustypics

8. Allow SERENDIPITY into your life.

Make friends. Help others.
Want friends? Be a friend.

You never know where a simple email message, or a "Like" may lead.

Guard your writing time, but say "yes" to new ideas as much as you can.

Luck helps you to build your platform... but as the saying goes, the harder you work, the luckier you get.
Photo by fPat

9. Pay it Forward.

Help, as you've been helped. We're all in this together.
When you're a new writer, people help you in many ways. Most importantly, they help you by reading what you write.

Build your platform by paying it forward, with a kind word, a smile, or by reading someone's work.
Photo by BdwayDiva1

10. Write more.

Write something different.
You write for readers, and for yourself. Over time, you diversify into new areas. This is natural; you're growing.

Your platform grows organically.

Allow inspiration... Your platform will develop in unexpected ways.
Photo by St0rmz

Discover the secrets of your writer's platform.

  • Receive 6 easy lessons to help you to build your platform.
  • Discover the ONE skill that's essential.
  • Transform your writing life.
  • What top writers know...
  • ... how to get results fast.
Discover the secrets of your writer's platform today, with "Your Write to Sell System: Build a Powerful Platform For a Six-Figure Income":


Includes personal coaching from Angela Booth.

(c) 2014, Angela Booth.

Photo by horrigans