Technology will not replace teachers but teachers who do not use technology will be replaced.
One of my favorite quotes about technology in education actually dates from 1983. Dr. Ray Clifford made this statement many years ago, but it still holds true today.
The flipped classroom is a model for teaching that moves most of the direct instruction outside of the classroom through video or some other form of instruction.
What we used to think of as teaching (giving direct instruction to students) becomes the "homework" for the class.
This frees up class time for differentiated learning, one-on-one help for students that need it, collaboration with peers, and hands-on learning. It's also great for inquiry-based and project-based learning.
Yes, we already have a lot to do as teachers. We have to write lesson plans. We have to work long hours. We don't get paid very well. There's a lot to do as a teacher, but flipping your classroom might help.
Here's some stats that I hope will help persuade you to try flipping:
41% of principals say that they believe that pre-service teachers should learn how to set up a flipped classroom model before they are issued their teaching certificate.
Of over 180,000 students surveyed, 3/4 of them said that the flipped classroom would be a good way for them to learn, with 32% of them strongly agreeing with that statement.
Already, students are more engaged than they are in a regular classroom.