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Representative And Transition Elements;)

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Transition Elements

any of the set of metallic elements occupying a central block.

Transition elements

  • Gold, copper, silver and zinc are some of the metals found in the transition element category. Also known as transition metals because they must contain properties of metals, they are located together in groups three to twelve on the periodic table

Transition elements:)

  • The general properties of the transition elements are They are usually high melting point metals. They have several oxidation states. They usually form colored compounds. They are often paramagnetic.
Photo by mcmamauri

Transition Elements

  • There are nearly 100 transition metals, so it would take a little too long to list them all in this video. However, it might be useful to you to remember that transition metals include: Scandium (21) through zinc (30) Yttrium (39) through cadmium (48) Lanthanum (57) through mercury (80) Actinium (89) through copernicium (112)

In chemistry, the term transition metal (or transition element) has two possible meanings:

  • The IUPAC definition[1] defines a transition metal as "an element whose atom has a partially filled d sub-shell, or which can
  • Most scientists describe a "transition metal" as any element in the d-block of the periodic table, which includes groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table.[2][3] In actual practice, the f-block lanthanide and actinide series are also considered transition metals and are called "inner transition metals".
Photo by Swami Stream

Representative elements

Representative element facts

  • There are 8 groups of representative elements. Group 1 - Alkali Metals Group 2 - Alkali Earth Metals Group 3-5 - Representative Elements Group 6 - Chalcogens Group 7 - Halogens Group 8 - Noble Gases

Group 1&2a- the alkali and alkaline earth metals

  • Group 1a •Good conductors of heat and electricity. •Found combined with other elements in nature due to their high reactivity. •Soft enough to cut with a knife. •Stored in oil to prevent a reaction with oxygen in the air.
  • Group 2a •Form compounds with oxygen called oxides. •Most compounds of alkaline earth metals do not dissolve easily in water.

Group 3&4A- boron and carbon group

  • 3A- boron •Most often found as oxides in the earth’s crust •Boron is the only metalloid in this family, all other elements are metals •Belong to the p-block in the periodic table
  • 4A- Carbon •Contains one of the most important elements on the periodic table, which is carbon. •Contains all three classifications: carbon is a nonmetal, silicon and germanium are metalloids, and tin and lead are metals •Belong to the p-block in the periodic table.