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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By Mia,Jaydon
East Knox
Grade 7th

Photo by phil hirst

The main stretch of Temperate rainforest is along the northwestern coast of North America from northern California though southern Alaska.

The obvious element of climate in the temperate rainforest is precipitation. At least 200 cm of it, perhaps up to 350 centimeters in warmer areas. The precipitation can fall in the form of rain or snow, with snow becoming more likely at higher elevations. The average annual temperature is above 0'c. largely influenced by the nearby ocean. The warmest of the temperate rainforests may have average annual temperatures around 20'c


Temperate rainforests receive 30 - 60 inches of rain each year and are ranked second only to the rainforest as the rainiest biome.

Photo by razzumitos

Some of the plants are
Big coniferous trees, Douglas fir ,Western red cedar, Mountain hemlock, Western hemlock, Sitka spruce, Lodgepole pine, deciduous trees , Big-Leaf Maple,mosses,and lichens.

Photo by Nicholas_T

Mosses and ferns are important intermediates in the evolutionary history of plants that
exemplify some of the key adaptations to life on land. Indeed, the major theme I have
chosen to follow for the plants unit (including this mosses mini-unit) is that the
evolutionary story of plants can be represented by adaptations to life on land which
the different types of plants exhibit. The invasion (through evolution) of terrestrial environments by once aquatic organisms will be the main underlying idea in this mini-unit.

Photo by Seán Venn

Lichens are the product of alga and fungus. The lichen body is a tangle of fungal filaments, called hyphae. The fungus collects the water and also provides structure and protection for the alga. The alga in turn possesses chloroplasts and provides carbohydrates for both the alga and the fungus. Linches are able to withstand extreme temperatures and moisture because of their special adaptations. When the moisture is available, the fungus takes it up, setting off a chain of adaptations.

Photo by Keane Beamish

3.Douglas fir
The fir tree is a genus of the evergreen coniferous tree. The fir tree has many adaptations that allow it to survive in its environment. One important adaptation that adds to the quality of the fir tree is their extensive root system. The roots remain near the surface so it is easier to get the surface water. Instead of leaves, the fir trees grow needles. Growing needles requires much less energy then leaves, which allows the fir trees to work less.

The animals are a Blue Grouse,Clark's Nutcracker,deer, bears, coyotes, slugs,Banana Slug,Giant anteaters,sloth,Tree Frog.

Photo by Nico Nelson

1.Tree frog
They can get away from there predators from Incredible Jumping.Bulging Eyes and nictitating eyelids, Frogs have bulging eyes that help them see enemies all around them.Sticky Tricky Tongues Is Another frog adaptation. Its tongue is attached to the front of its mouth. Frogs are very patient and wait for food to come to them

Photo by ggallice

2.Clark's Nutcracker
Beck,claws, fast wings,

Photo by corvidaceous

Sharp claws, the fur help them keep warm,there paws for grip,cushion,fishing, lips for picking berry's and pulling grass.

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The human impact
Is that It takes temperate rainforests several hundred years to mature, and so fires pose a lasting danger. Another threat is clearing of rainforests to use the land for farming, plantations, dams or mining.

We affect the the biome It is a sad fact that while any forest has positive effects on all human life, Almost 2 billion tons of timber will be cut out of the forests on a global scale each year.the animals we should start a club about saving animals and there habitat.There is no way to deny that computers have had a profound effect on young minds.

Photo by SFB579 :)

Some interesting fact about temperate rainforest
1.The temperate deciduous forest gets its name because the temperatures are temperate meaning they are not extreme.

Photo by Poytr

2.The growing season of the temperate forest lasts about six month.
3.Some insects of the temperate deciduous biome cannot survive winter so they lay eggs before they die. These eggs can survive winter and hatch once spring arrives.

Photo by amysjcksn

Thank you for your time
I hope you joined this presentation

Photo by VinothChandar