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the water cycle story

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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the water cycle story

By: Edgar Carreno

Martin the fish and the water cycle

Once upon a time was a fish named Martin that was concern about the water cycle. Martin want to know how the water move, what happen when the water move and what other functions that can happen.

So Martin went to ask his friend luis. Martin ask luis that what was the water cycle and Luis said that the water cycle was the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. Then Martin ask Luis that what can happen in the water cycle and he said that During the water cycle, there are four main procedures that take place and they are evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection. Evaporation is when the water heats up and turns into vapor leaving its source into the air. Then martin left and he thanks to Luis.

Photo by tomylees

After Martin went to ask his other friend Fabian the turtle. An he ask Fabian if that water was just in river, oceans, and aquifers and he said no water is also in plants, and Luis tell Martin that the plants make a function call transpiration that is when the plants sweat the water that the consume. Then Martin left and thanks Fabian for what he shared with him

After Martin went to ask his other friend Fabian the turtle. An he ask Fabian if that water was just in river, oceans, and aquifers and he said no water is also in plants, and Luis tell Martin that the plants make a function call transpiration that is when the plants sweat the water that the consume.

So after Fabian tell him that he was more concern with the water, so he decide to go with his friend Marcos the octopus.

Photo by brian hefele

Martin went to Marcos house and tell him that he wants to what happen with the surface water and he said some of the water infiltrates into rock and soil through cracks and pole spaces and is call infiltration. Martin ask Marcos if all the water infiltrated and he said no, Marcos tell martin that some water just form a stream and make a way to the ocean and that stream is call stream channel.

Photo by FMaffei

Then Marcus tell Martin that every stream channel have a slope or steepness that is call "gradient". Marcos tell Martin that sometimes the stream discharge. Martin ask Marcos that what was "discharge" he said that is the volume of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time.

Photo by Jim Dollar

Then Martin ask Marcus that what are some other facts about the streams and he said that some streams empties into another stream and is call "tributary".Then Martin ask Marcus What are some other place that the stream can be found and he said the they can be found in a broad, flat-bottomed valley that is near its base level and that is call "Meanders". Then Martin left and thanks his friend.

Photo by Jim Dollar

So when he get home he understand that the water cycle can have many functions and that can form many things. So what martin though is that the water cycle was very important.

Photo by Benson Kua

A question for you:What Would Happen If the Water Cycle Stopped?
If the water cycle stopped, then the world would cease to exist very quickly. The lakes and oceans would dry up, the glaciers would disappear, and there would be no more rain.

So that why the water cycle is so inportant!!!!

Photo by BAlvarius