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ABCs Of Science

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A is for Air
Air💨is an invisible gas surrounding the,a mixture of oxygen

B is for battery
Battery is a tool to charge up something 🔌

C is for current
Current is a flow of electricity💡

D Is for dicot
Dicot is a flowering plant with an embryo🌹

E is for embryo
Embryo is a part of a seed that develops into a plant🌻

F is for Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit is a temperature scale 🔸

G is for gas
Gas is a fluid or mixture ⛽️

H is for heat
Heat is a high or hot temperature

I is for inclined plane
Inclined planes is an flat surface going down to give the item a push

J is for Jupiter
Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun

K is for kinetic energy
Kinetic energy is energy produced by anything moving

L is for lever
Lever is used to help move a heavy load

Photo by Leo Reynolds

M is for mammals
Mammal is a warm blooded vertebrate

N is for newtons
Newtons is a unit of force

Photo by Andy Magee

O is for ozone
Ozone is a layer in the earth's stratosphere.

P is for phylum
Phylum is apart of the kingdom

Photo by osolev

Q is for qualitative

Photo by Poe Tatum

R is for rotation
Rotation is an action of something moving round and round

Photo by oddsock

S is for surface
Surface is a top or bottom ⬛️

Photo by @Doug88888

T is for temperature
Temperature is how hot or how cold

Photo by tommaync

U is for universe
Universe is Space

Photo by anieto2k

V is for Venus
Venus Is the second planet from the sun

W is for wedge
Wedge is a thick something used to cut things

Photo by Jez Page

X is for Xylem
Xylem is a vascular tissue

Photo by Joe Edwards

Y is for yellow jack
Yellow jack is an animal with defense

Z is zebra
Zebra wild horse with black and white strips 🐄

Photo by angela7dreams