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Published on Dec 06, 2015

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watch to hear my made up story of Africa
Photo by @Doug88888

we got to the airport and I think to my self wow I can't believe where going to Africa! then the boarding lady says to every one to board the plane for take off!

Photo by Aero Icarus

we hop on the plane and before I knew it we were up in the sky heading to the wonderful Africa

Photo by airlines470

when we got there I had butterflies in my tummy because I was so exited. we walked of the plane and into the main airport area where me and my hole family had a talk about what we should do. but us kids were way to exited for that as it was 2 in the mourning.

Photo by jjay69

when its was late mourning (7am) we went out side to find some animals and explore the cool hotel!

Photo by A.Davey