Several heath benefit claims such as improved appearance, enhanced mood, and increased vitamin D levels have been attributed to tanning.
The Indoor Tanning Association claims that a base tan can act as "the body natural protection against sunburn"
Furthermore the Indoor Tanning Association claims that "catching some rays may lengthen your life"
Tanning causes premature aging, causing the skin to appear leathery and wrinkled,and also tanning always damages skin.
Researchers say that because UVA ray's penetrate deep into the skin, they destroy skin fibers and damage elasticity.
Sunless tanning pills,which typically contain the color additive canthaxanthin, which is unsafe and when taken in large amounts. Canthaxanthin can turn your skin orange and brown and cause hives, liver damage, and impaired vision.
Avoiding UV rays will ensure healthier skin and leads chance of skin cancer, hives or worsened chloasma.
There are so many different kinds of sunless tanning lotions, creams, and foams that have very good results.
Topical sunless tanning products are generally considered safe alternatives to sunbathing, as long as they're used as directed.