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Costa Rica

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Photo by kansasphoto


  • Location
  • Land featurs
  • Water features\
  • Climate
  • History
  • Food
  • Economy and agriculture
  • Holidays
  • Trivia
Photo by Brett Jordan

COsta Rica is located in Central America, in the middle of a tropical zone.

Photo by davecito

The pacuare river is one of the largest rivers in Costa Rica, and it is a major tourist attraction.

Photo by Chadica

The Arenal Volcano in costa RIca is one of the ten most active volcanoes in the world.

Photo by JustinJensen


Photo by NoraGoetz

Costa Rica's climate is truly pleasant, with an average temperature of 70 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Photo by Ben+Sam

COsta Rica has no active military, but there are remnants of past wars. Such as cannons or other crude-looking weapons.

Costa Rica abolished their military in 1948 to ''contribute to the happiness of the population.''

Photo by CityofElkCity

Costa Rica gained their independence from the federal republic of Central America on September 15, 1838

Photo by leojam

This is the gallo pinto, Costa Rica's national dish. It is made of rice and beans.

Costa Rica's most important export is coffee. It is grown on plantations.

Photo by FreeWine

Arroz con pollo, or chicken with rice, is a Puerto Rican dish commonly eaten in Costa Rica.

Photo by dharder9475

Costa Ricans love enchiladas. They can be made with chicken, pork, beef, or whatever you want!

Photo by joshbousel

this is a fruit from a cacao tree. The white flesh inside of it is very delicious. The flesh protects what we call chocolate, or cocoa beans.

Photo by * Cati Kaoe *

This is chifrijo. It is made of pork, black beans, rice, and pico de gallo.

The lowest elevations in Costa Rica reach sea level, and this zone is called the coastal lowlands. This is a highly tropical zone.

The Costa Rican colon is worth about five thousandths of a dollar. It takes 500 colons to make one U.S dollar.

Photo by Stone Center

COsta Ricans are moderately wealthy, but you will not see mansions around very often.

Photo by Chad Teer

This is a coffee plant on a plantation. There are many others filled with even more seed-like objects.

Photo by mckaysavage

The sun festival marks the beginning of the Mayan new year, and it also promotes solar power.

Photo by Ian Sane


  • Costa Rica celebrates.......
  • Independence Day on September 15
  • Candlemas on February 2
  • All of our regular holidays like Christmas Easter, etc.
  • Juan santamaria day on April 11
  • The Mayan new year and the sun festival on February 25
Photo by Ben Beiske

Candlemas celebrates the halfway point of winter, but the other meanings are quite unclear.

Photo by Werner Kunz


  • when did Costa Rica gain its independence?
  • who did they gain it from the second time?
  • How many colons are in a dollar?
  • Are the people in Costa Rica very wealthy?
Photo by askpang