Counselor Functions
Counselor Function
Ms. Bond expressed that counselors wear many hats and at times it can get very overwhelming. She also states that this type of work cannot be a job. Counseling has to be considered your passion something you love to do. Each counselor receives their caseload by alphabetical order. DeAnna explains how she had students with the last name letters beginning with H-K. DeAnna did not really care for this method. She felt they should be divided by grade, and grade needed attention because of the level of concerns for that class. This method allows your caseload to vary from 50-100 students. ? Ms. Bond also shared how counselors oversee different concern in the office. Each counselor is given area of concern. For example, one counselor handles all mental health issues. Another counselor will oversee Comprehensive Student Assistance Process (CSAP). In addition, we also have counselors who are in charge of the teen parents program and students who may be in the Juvenile Justice System. Counselors oversee workshops which they must administrated and outline to show the format of the program which is being presented. Hartranft use, “ Social Cognitive Career Theory focus on helping students identify faulty efficacy beliefs and unrealistic outcome expectations, that has led then to make poor decisions. The goal of our career counseling is to help clients find a career that matches their interests (ASCA, 2005).” Ms. Bond also stated that our jobs as counselors are to monitor and enhance learning and help with any barriers that might put a
stop to learning and advancing. She also shared that she works in partnership with her teachers and administration to help with the growth and deve