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Freshman English U4-U6

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  • Contradict: to deny or disagree with something
  • Dictation: to speak or read to a person who writes it down
  • Dictator: a person who rules a country with total authority and often in a cruel way
  • Diction: the clearness for a person's speech
  • Dictionary: a book that gives information about the words' meanings, forms, pronunciations
  • Predict: to say something that will happen in the future
  • Verdict: a judgement or opinion about something

(Someone who has been forever to leave a country because of war, religious, or political reasons)
( Syrian refugees)

Photo by ItzaFineDay


  • What greenhouse gases are mentioned?
  • What kinds of fuels do people use?
  • Why is the increase of carbon dioxide to be the result of the pace of warming?
  • Why do climate refugees emerge?
1 CO2 methane
2 natural products- wood, coal/ oil
3 sun's energy is retained ...
4 too dry not enough food
Photo by Enderst07


  • Long-term climate cycles
  • Retain
  • Atmosphere
  • Reflect away
  • Sea level
  • Low-lying countries
  • Rainfall patterns
  • Plain
  • Substantial cuts

Long-term climate cycle

Photo by Sam Ferrara


Photo by P!XELTREE

Sea level

Low-lying countries

Rainfall pattern


Photo by Luigi Cavasin

The standard of living

Photo by Jason Briscoe

Substantial cuts


Photo by Kay Gaensler

( flip flop)

Photo by deepwarren

Hiking boots

What is the carbon footprint of...?
The carbon footprint of ... is ...

Photo by Leonski


  • Physical appearance
  • V-shaped upper body
  • A large hip-to-waist ratio
  • Human evolution
  • Access to
  • From ...point of view
  • Lie in
  • Live in poverty

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  • The availability of high-calorie
  • Investigation
  • In terms of
  • Eating disorders
  • Mental illness
  • Advertising industry
  • ...is / are to blame
  • Flood... with
  • Fattening

V- shaped upper body

A large hip-to-waist ratio

Human evolution

Photo by Paul Keller

Advertising industry

Flood with

Photo by me'nthedogs

( to make ...fat)

Photo by malias


  • What are the three main reasons of becoming a vegetarian?
  • What are the different types of vegetarians? How are they different?
  • How do the vegetarians think of the raising animals in factory farms by moral standards?
  • Why is raising cattle to be blamed for global warming?
3 kept in cruel condition...
4 a source of methane


  • Declare oneself
  • Fruitarian
  • Living creature
  • Share the point of view
  • Raise animals
  • As a consequence of
  • Apart from
  • Factory farms
  • Exposure to

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  • Rural area
  • Contribute to
  • Cattle
  • Digest
  • Oil-based chemicals
  • A diet rich in meat

Factory farms


Photo by miez!


Photo by K. Yankov