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Marram grass

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Marram Grass

By Savannah, Mayte and Ava

Marram Grass is grown on sand dunes to prevent the sand being blown inland.

This stops the sand from harming farmland.

They range in size from 50-120cm.
Marram grasses have numerous long leaves with distinctive close-grained heads.

The leaves are rolled along their length to reduce water loss. They have long rooting stems to bind them to the sand.

Photo by lucyrfisher

Their scientific name Ammophila comes from the Greek 'ammos' meaning sand and 'philos' meaning loving.

Photo by ed 37 ~~

Marram grass is found on the European coasts, except Arctic and subarctic areas.

Photo by ekenitr

Marram grasses are found in dune systems, particularly yellow dunes where it dominates.

When covered by sand, the stems elongate allowing the grass to re-emerge. New roots form in the newly laid sand

Photo by Martin Burns