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An Amusement Park

Published on May 23, 2016

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Roller Coaster

May 26, 2016
3rd Period

Photo by hounddiggity

I have been to an amusement park

Photo by tiffa130

Which is called Kings Dominion

There are many roller coasters in the park

Exhilarating, loud-screaming in my opinon

When I saw people were delighted

Photo by tonyboytran

On the vertical roller coaster

Photo by sdettling

I was trilled due to excitement

Photo by joncandy

But it look like a monster

Photo by abbilder

Then, I lined up with my friends

Though I was scared of it

The roller coaster seems like never ends

But I did not quit

When I went down from the top

I was screaming loudly

The roller coaster rushed and never stopped

Like a horse running widly

The roller coaster has much difference

From what is in my brain

It was an unforgettable memory

Photo by Nick Fuentes

I can't wait to go again


Photo by vernhart