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Levels of Questioning

Published on May 22, 2016

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Levels of Questioning

Photo by Oberazzi

What are the levels of questioning?

  • The levels of questioning are ways of structuring questions in order to identify, process, and apply key information from literature.

Level 1: Identify

  • Questions of this level inquire about concrete information, often stated explicitly in the text.
  • There is a right or wrong answer.
  • This level allows the learner to solidify their understanding of the text in order to be able to correctly analyse information further on.
  • Key words: Define, list, describe.
Photo by pb²

Level 2: Process

  • Questions of this level are more abstract, but still pertain only to the text.
  • Concrete information from level 1 is combined, contrasted, and compared, in order to make inferences
  • Often, motives, cause and effect, and decisions in the text are examined
  • Key words: Analyse, infer, explain, infer
Photo by luisfhm007

Level 3: Apply

  • Questions of this level are based on the ideas of the text, but apply them to worldly hypotheticals.
  • Deeper information from level 2 is judged and evaluated based on personal opinion.
  • Differing answers are encouraged!
  • Key words: Imagine, evaluate, judge
Photo by lotopspin

Why use the levels of questioning?

  • Each level allows the learner to gain new information.
  • Each level builds on the previous one in order to deepen analysis and knowledge of the literature.
  • They allow the learner to make connections to the real world and apply the literature's theme and purpose to pertinent issues
Photo by tim caynes