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I have my human rights

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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I have my human rights

And you do too.
Photo by Thomas Hawk

WE Are All Born

Free and Equal

We are all born free and equal

  • From the moment that you are born your free and equal
  • You have all these rights before your even ready to come out.

The Right To Privacy

The Right to privacy

  • You may have the right to privacy but the government can and will go threw your phone if nessesary
  • If you respect someones privacy you'll be a splendid preson
  • Disrespecting someones privacy is just plain RUDE.
  • "Nobody should try to harm our good name.Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason." the Human Rights books

The Right To Life

The Right To Life

  • Everyone has the right to life
  • "We all have the right to life, and to live free and safe." The Human Rights book.
  • Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
  • Everyone has the right to life but abortion stop life

freedom of expression

freedom of expression and thought

  • Having freedom of expression and thought is like having cake there both great to have.
  • Your expression shows who you are.

Right to seek

A Safe Place to Live

Right to seek a safe place to live

  • Every year 19 million kids try to flee their country in order to just to find some where safe to live
  • 70% of the children that trys to escape makes it
  • But that doesn't stop the children from keep trying to escape

No One Can

Take Away Your 

By: Va'Shonte White

Photo by C. Strife