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Tutorial 11

Published on Dec 18, 2015

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Reign of Terror

Period in which massive amounts of people were guillotined in France
Photo by The Tedster

King Louis XVI

Last King of France before French Revolution
Photo by italianjob17


quick and efficient device used during the French Revolution to behead
Photo by digitalrob70


Prison in France raided at beginning of French Revolution
Photo by e_monk


Political party during French Revolution
Photo by mikescottnz

National Assembly

First government made during the French Revolution

Tennis Court Oath

Oath made by third estate during Estates General
Photo by Johnny Lucus

Third Estate

Largest and poorest group of the Old Regime
Photo by Luigi_Alesi

Maximilien Robespierre

Leader during French Revolution
Photo by ChodHound

Jean-Paul Marat

Radical who called people out for beheading in newspaper
Photo by jaci XIII