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Tree Energy

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Most of the people think trees are just trees, but I know trees have a special energy. They feel and they help you. There's a story I want to tell you.

Photo by skoeber

It begins in the deep woods were I lived... One day I decided to go for a walk in the afternoon, before getting dinner. But before I could notice it I was lost in the woods with no more than some few snacks and some water.

I had to calm down like my mother said " calm down and grab the closest tree, you'll be fine." So that's what I did...

I breath deeply... And suddenly I felt something fresh. When I felt that I just felt the tree was helping me. I don't know how, but I felt saved. So I decided to sleep there in the tree and return the next day.

Photo by -MRGT

When I woke up I decided to start walking. While I was walking I felt like if the trees were guiding me... I remembered the exact tree I saw when I got lost.

So I walked more until I saw my home so I started running till it. When I got there I was surprise to see that my parents weren't as worried as I thought. They told me " of course we were worried, but we new you could make it."

Photo by Vince Alongi

Since then I know the trees have another purpose in live, not just clean the air, but helping us.

Photo by blmiers2

The End

Photo by blmiers2