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Peru Project

Published on Mar 24, 2016

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Peru Project

By: Amy Do (World Language) A2

Peru Flag

  • Red represents blood shed for independence
  • White symbolizes peace and purity
  • Vicuña in the coat of arms represents fauna, freedom, national pride and heroism
  • Cinchona tree represents flora
  • Yellow cornucopia spilling out gold coins stands for Peru's mineral wealth The wreath of palm and laurel branches stands for liberty and freedom
  • The wreath of palm and laurel branches stands for liberty and freedom


  • The capital of Peru is Lima
  • Located on the northwest side of South America
  • The Incas come from Cuzco, Peru

Fiesta de la Candelaria

  • The first fortnight of February
  • Celabrates the Virgin of Candelaria, the patron saint of the town of Puno where the festivities are held

Traditional Clothing

  • Most traditional clothing have geometric patterns and vibrant colors
  • Traditional Peruvian clothing generally reflects what village a man or woman comes from

Traditional Clothing For Women

  • A woman is recognized in many instances by her hat style, which reflects the culture of her region or village

Traditional Clothing For Men

  • The main traditional item is the poncho
  • A man's poncho resembles his village
  • Men's hats are usually Sombreros and are worn over a chullo (Hats with ear flaps)

Machu Picchu

  • Machu Picchu was built in a typical Inca style, with beautiful, polished dry-stone walls of quarried granite stone
  • The Machu Picchu site is divided in an urban area and an agricultural area. With an upper town area where royalty lived and temples built and a lower town area that included workers quarters and warehouses
  • Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti


  • Common Instruments: Charango, Sampoña, Bombo, Guitar, and Quena
  • Known to be a diverse combination of many different types of music ranging from its Andean musical roots, as well as having many Spanish and African influences
  • Widely known to be a passionate and romantic type of Latin music
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9HXQ2_41GY


  • Entree - Ceviche: Raw fish filet cut into pieces and marinated in key lime juice, onions, and aji limo
  • Drink - Chapo: Made from ripened bananas, cooked and stirred, then served cold
  • Dessert - Mazamorra Morada: Purple Corn Pudding