“The temporary suspension or attachment of materials and equipment to a building or structure (including temporary structures built specifically for the purpose) by means of wires, cords, slings, chains or lifting appliances and related equipment.”
The National commission of crane operators or nccco oversees the training and regulation of crane operators, and many other faucets of rigging
"This person may be qualified in a craft or trade and carry an occupational title such as iron worker, electrician, carpenter, millwright, mechanic, laborer, mason, longshoreman, lineman, pipe fitter, boilermaker, and the like. (The persons described in the categories above will be referred to as rigger even though they carry another occupational title.)
LVL 1 Rigger: NCCCO identified the following job duties for Rigger Level I certification. A Certified Rigger Level I can perform simple, repetitive rigging tasks when the load weight, center of gravity, the rigging, and rigging configuration are provided or known by the rigger through experience or on-the-job training prior to the rigging activities
LVL 2 Rigger: In addition to knowing and demonstrating Rigger Level I knowledge and skills, a Certified Rigger Level II can select rigging components and procedures based on rigging capacity. A Level II Rigger can perform the following rigging tasks unsupervised: