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Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense

An Organizations Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense can serve as an incremental management strategy that serves to augment Emergency Response, as well as establishing a Frontline Food Defense.

Ensuring efficient and effective emergency management; partnering with auxiliary departments, local suppliers, Food Wholesalers, along with educating your staff, offering tool that empower them to become more effective.

Importance of the “farm-to-fork” concept in food defense. Partnering with local supplies, wholesalers, educators add a layer of protection; offering

Strategies to Implement Food Safety & Defense

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Strategies to Implement Food Safety Defense

farm to fork
Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense

An Organizations Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense can serve as an incremental management strategy that serves to augment Emergency Response, as well as establishing a Frontline Food Defense.

Ensuring efficient and effective emergency management; partnering with auxiliary departments, local suppliers, Food Wholesalers, along with educating your staff, offering tool that empower them to become more effective.

Importance of the “farm-to-fork” concept in food defense. Partnering with local supplies, wholesalers, educators add a layer of protection; offering

Food Defense Open Venues

Food Defense Open Venues
Healthcare, college and universities campus pose an even greater threat because of the openness of these venues.

Food defense involves protecting the supply of food from intentional contamination that happens due to counterfeits, terrorist activities, sabotages or other harmful/illegal activities.

2) Food Defense: Security in a Foodservice Operation (video)

Photo by toonbobo

Untitled Slide

Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense

An Organizations Emergency Response Plan & The Food Defense can serve as an incremental management strategy that serves to augment Emergency Response, as well as establishing a Frontline Food Defense.

Ensuring efficient and effective emergency management; partnering with auxiliary departments, local suppliers, Food Wholesalers, along with educating your staff, offering tool that empower them to become more effective.

Photo by pennstatenews

Food defense is a collective term used by

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Food defense is defined as the protection of food products from intentional adulteration by the introduction of chemical, biological, physical or radiological agents into the food, water or facilities by individuals seeking to endanger the public health.

Protecting food from intentional contamination is a relatively new concern.

Food service facilities have offer multiple venues, also have multiple vulnerabilities and present an attractive target for those seeking to inflict widespread harm.

Photo by eshedg

Protecting the nation’s food supply from deliberate

or intentional acts of contamination or tampering
Food Defense – the efforts to prevent intentional contamination of food products by biological, chemical, physical, or radiological agents that are not reasonably likely to occur in the food supply

Human intervention as the source of contamination...

What we will cover

  • • Identify the importance of the “farm-to-fork” concept in food defense.
  • importance of frontline employees in food defense
  • Tools, materials, links to educate frontline staff
  • • Empower your staff to know when and if they see something unusual or suspicious
Key Takeaways:

*Identify the importance of the “farm-to-fork” concept in food defense.
*Recognize the importance of frontline employees in food defense.
*Identify threats that frontline employees may encounter and how to respond to these threats.
*Identify the FIRST acronym in FDA’s Employee FIRST initiative.
*Empower your staff to know when and if they see something unusual or suspicious, it is their role and responsibility to report the incident.
*Actual policies and /or food defense sources that your organization may adopt and/or update to meet your organizations operational objectives.

What's Not In Your Plan?

Standard Operation Process...
What Does It Not Cover...

*Disruptions affecting food service operations due to equipment failure;
*Outbreak of sporadic food-borne illness and isolated occurrences which constitute normal and expected background levels of disease in a community;
*Failure in sanitation or temperature control;
*Critical limits of time and temperature ranges for food preparation and service (either cold or hot) to assure food safety;
*Failures to follow standard operation procedures (SOPs) or temperature controls, expiry dates of stored food, personal hygiene, proper storage of food to help keep food safe;
*Food recall and spoilage;
*Natural, weather-related disasters (e.g., floods, blizzards, earthquakes, wildfires)
*Rolling blackouts, gas or electrical outages, kitchen fires, interruption of computer or utility services
*Break in the water line
*Interruption of food or supply delivery.


* Online sources “Federal, States and Local Guidance” on Food Security.
* Online source of “Actual “Forms, classes” (actual notes/materials)

*Tools / Training Materials Used to empower/train front-line staff to keep food sources safe

*Identifying Possible Threats

*identifies the steps a front-line employee should take

*Who to contact

*Examples of a facility's food defense procedures
Photo by pennstatenews


Why are we concerned-

Intentional contamination does happen... actual cases

US uncover plot to poison hotels and restaurant at multiple locations...

Beijing - The food poisoning of 203 hospital patients in northeast China was an intentional act, police said...

350 Iraqi Policemen Suffer food poisoning...

Grocery store worker accused of poisoning beef...

61 students felled by rat poison in Central China

2002 Rome water supply



Why are we concerned-

Bad people, do bad things and sometimes their motive is only to hurt as many people as possible.

Workplace Violence is on the rise, sometime it is a matter of causing harm or damage to employer or those that they worked with.

This is why large food service venues must seriously consider a Food Defense Plan...

Hazard Detection

"maintenance of a safe environment"
Purpose of a Plan

The purpose of this plan is to provide a guide on how to identify and respond to deliberate or intentional acts of tampering with or contamination of the school’s food supply.

This plan includes information on hazard detection, measures to minimize the risk of intentional contamination, contingency planning, response initiation and maintenance of a safe environment for the patients, residents, food service staff, volunteers and guest.

Photo by Yuya Tamai

Risk Management; CONFIDENTIAL !

Develop A Team

Begin by choosing a team to be responsible for food defense at the facility. A well-developed team will include members who represent all departments at the facility.

The most important aspect of a well-developed team is that it is multi-functional. The size of the team depends on the size of the facility and availability of resources.

This process overall is CONFIDENTIAL!
Are the details of the food defense plan kept confidential?


Photo by Jim Larrison


Questions The Team should address...

What are the threats we are protection against?

What are the vulnerabilities

Why is food defense important?

How will you know you have sufficient food defense strategy?

What are the tools that can help determine the risk and the strategy?

Minimize Risks

Vulnerability Assessment
A vulnerability assessment is necessary to developing a food defense strategy.

It is first step in preventing attack and helps close gaps to minimize risks.

“CARVERS” is an acronym for attributes used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) to provide guidance in identifying areas vulnerable for attack. If the facility meets the following criteria, strengthen prevention strategies.


additional thoughts on vulnerability and what kinds of items place you at greater risk?


Vulnerability is a weakness in design, implementation or operation...

This process should address, identify specific points in the food supply were intentional contamination can take place.

Partnering with you supplier will also bring to light vulnerabilities, as well as solutions to your food safety defense.

Taking a look back at the types of items that are at greater risk; does your strategy allow for "Re-calls", taking items that have been identified that could be in production.


Understanding Actual Risk

Regulatory Compliance (voluntary at this time...)

"Yon can't {effectively} regulate defense" Paul G. Kaplan- Sandia National Labs...

So, why do we do it?


were there is ability and opportunity- risk is present!

We SEEK to ELIMINATE Opportunity!

Effective Preparedness


Effective preparedness includes establishing policies to regulate access,

keeping records current, performing periodic inspections and regular maintenance and

training for staff.

Reduce the risk of insider compromise by an appropriate level of supervision of staff and volunteers.

Preparing for the possibility

  • • assigning responsibility for security to knowledgeable individual(s) • conducting an initial assessment of food security procedures and operations, which we recommend be kept confidential • having a crisis management strategy to prepare for and respond to tampering and other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions, both threats and actual events
Preparing for the possibility of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions.

*assigning responsibility for security to knowledgeable individual(s)

*conducting an initial assessment of food security procedures and operations, which we recommend be kept confidential

*having a crisis management strategy to prepare for and respond to tampering and other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions, both threats and actual events

• providing an appropriate level of supervision to all staff, including cleaning and maintenance staff, contract workers, data entry and computer support staff, and especially, new staff

Supervision (vigilance! )

*providing an appropriate level of supervision to all staff, including cleaning and maintenance staff, contract workers, data entry and computer support staff, and especially, new staff

Photo by ScoRDS

Investigation of Suspicious Activity

Investigation of Suspicious Activity

*investigating threats or information about signs of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions

*alerting appropriate law enforcement and public health authorities about any threats of or suspected tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions

Document even suspension of intent, it could be the difference in saving lives and foiling actual event
Photo by futureshape

Control access

Control access
Restrict Data Systems

*Control access to computers
*Eliminate access immediately when staff employment ends
*Install adequate firewalls and virus protection systems
*Maintain frequent back-up procedures
*Validate computer security system
*Establish traceable computer transactions
Photo by dinhtiendat

Human Element - Staffing

Eligibility Verification
Under Federal law, retail food store and food service establishment operators are required to verify the employment eligibility of all new hires, in accordance with the requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act, by completing the INS Employment Eligibility Verification Form (INS Form I-9).

Completion of Form I-9 for new hires is required by 8 USC 1324a and nondiscrimination provisions governing the verification process are set forth at 8 USC 1324b.


Screening (pre-hiring, at hiring, post-hiring)

*examining the background of all staff (including seasonal, temporary, contract, and volunteer staff, whether hired directly or through a recruitment firm) as appropriate to their position, considering candidates' access to sensitive areas of the facility.

Note: screening procedures should be applied equally to all staff, regardless of race, national origin, religion, and citizenship or immigration status.

Photo by Julie70

knowing who should be on premises

Daily Work Assignments

*knowing who is and who should be on premises, and where they should be located, for each shift

*keeping information updated

*policy on not being on grounds when not scheduled; apply it regardless of position or employment status...

Photo by garryknight

preventing staff from bringing personal items

Personal Items
*restricting the type of personal items allowed in non-public areas of the establishment
*allowing in the establishment only those personal use medicines that are necessary for the health of staff and ensuring that these personal use medicines are properly labeled and stored away from stored food and food preparation areas
*preventing staff from bringing personal items (for example, lunch containers, purses) into nonpublic food preparation or storage areas
*providing for regular inspection of contents of staff lockers (for example, providing metal mesh lockers, company issued locks), bags, packages, and vehicles when on company property (Remember to first consult any federal, state, or local laws that may relate to such inspections)
Photo by crazytales562

what they can bring  in and out

Policy Non-employee (visitors, contractors, guests, customers, truck drivers)

A log of non-employees entering the establishment must be maintained.

A method to identify and recognize non-employees is in place.

Non-employees are chaperoned on-site. Never in food preparation areas.

Non-employees are restricted to appropriate areas.
Non-employees have restrictions on what they can bring in and take from the facility.
Photo by pamhule

Frontline Defense

See something, say something
Training in Food Security Procedures

*incorporating food security awareness, including information on how to prevent, detect, and respond to tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions or threats, into training programs for staff, including seasonal, temporary, contract, and volunteer staff

*providing periodic reminders of the importance of security procedures (for example, scheduling meetings, providing brochures or payroll suffers)

*encouraging staff support (for example, involving staff in food security planning and the food security awareness program, demonstrating the importance of security procedures to the staff)


Implement and Maintain the Food Defense Plan

The purpose of the food defense awareness training is to ensure your employees know their responsibilities.

Understanding the threat of intentional contamination and the potential consequences should help employees consistently execute preventative measures, increasing the overall effectiveness of the plan.

"See Something, Say Something" FDA online training program...


*Certificate of completion...

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Food Production and Service Areas

*Identify areas critical to the food production process that may be particularly sensitive to potential adulteration. Examples include bulk storage containers, blenders/mixers or large batch operations. Security measures for these areas include:

*restrict access only to authorized staff;

* conduct staff background investigations;

* implement operational controls, such as monitoring sensitive operations/ equipment, or locking bulk storage containers.

Photo by USDAgov

Procedures inhibit intentional contamination

discoloration / open packaging
Procedures to inhibit intentional contamination of the food supply:

*Do not open or handle mail in the foodservice area.

*Inspect ingredient packages prior to use for evidence of tampering. Examples of evidence are a broken seal (for unopened packages) or discoloration of food inside package (for leftover and resealed packages).

*Prohibit outside food and medications in foodservice areas (for example,
“personal” foods or food brought in for storage or reheating customers

limiting access chemicals

Storage and Use of Poisonous and Toxic Chemicals (for example, cleaning and sanitizing agents, pesticides) in non-public areas

*limiting poisonous and toxic chemicals in the establishment to those that are required for the operation and maintenance of the facility and those that are being stored or displayed for retail sale

*storing poisonous and toxic chemicals as far away from food handling and storage areas as practical

*limiting access to and securing storage areas for poisonous or toxic chemicals that are not being held for retail sale

Security of Water and Utilities

Security of Water and Utilities

*limiting, to the extent practical, access to controls for airflow, water, electricity, and refrigeration
*securing non-municipal water wells, hydrants, storage, and handling facilities
*ensuring that water systems and trucks are equipped with backflow prevention
*chlorinating non-municipal water systems and monitoring chlorination equipment and chlorine levels
*testing non-municipal sources for potability regularly, as well as randomly, and being alert to changes in the profile of the results
Photo by jenny downing


Develop a Food Defense Plan

After conducting a food defense vulnerability assessment, you have identified some areas outside or inside the plant or procedures used in daily operations that may be more vulnerable than others.

Now, you need to identify cost-effective preventative actions that can be taken to minimize those vulnerabilities. At a minimum, the food defense plan should address processing, storage, shipping and receiving, and water and ice securities.

Food Defense Plan Builder- http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/fdplanbuilder


Some slides are from 2012 Interactive Food Defense Workshop

Go to our website, http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodDefense/default.htm


Food Defense 101
Food Defense 101 is comprised of four courses:

*Food Defense Awareness for the Food Professional;
* Food Defense Awareness for the Front-line Employee;
^Food Defense Regulations; and,

*ALERT, for owners and operators of food facilities



attachments sources
USDA- Food Safety and Inspection Service

1) USDA- Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Vulnerability Assessments

2) Food Defense: Security in a Foodservice Operation (video)

a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VuDnl5e99k


4) Food Defense Plan Builder- http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodDefense/ToolsEducationalMaterials/ucm349888.htm

5) Food Defense Plan Builder Training Videos- http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodDefense/ToolsEducationalMaterials/ucm410909.htm

6) Indiana Department of Health Food Protection & Food Defense (2011 Guidance) http://www.in.gov/isdh/files/Food_Defense_Plan_Guidance_Doc.pdf

7) South Dakota State University- Food Defense Security in Foodservice Operations DVD (2007)
a. http://1080plus.com/4VuDnl5e99k.video
b. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VuDnl5e99k

Larry D Bowe

Larry David Bowe, Principle Consultant- Food Safety Certified Instructor
35 plus years of Hospitality Management, fostering positive growth and promoting opportunities within progressive organizations.

Promoting Global Food Safety as the Catalysis for organizational growth, and responsible food safety and sanitation practices as the framework that creates a culture of food safety. Of the 35 years of Food Safety Management, Larry has served over 18 years in Long Term Care.

Principle Consultant- Food Safety Certified Instructor, HACCP Documentation
HACCP Navigator LLC (self-employed/part time as Food Safety Instructor / Consultant)


Larry Bowe

Haiku Deck Pro User


Untitled Haiku Deck


Allergen & Food Intolerance Awareness Training


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