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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by write_adam


  • Orbital period is 16 days
  • Discovered in march 25, 1655
  • Radius 1,601 miles (3,576) km
  • My moon orbits Saturn

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. It is the only natural satellite known to have a dense atmosphere, and the only object other than Earth for which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found.

Photo by Val Klavans

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  • Surface Temperature: minus 290 Fahrenheit which makes water as hard rock.
  • It is a sphere shape
  • Cronos (the Greek name for the god Saturn, which the moon Titan orbits) was the father of the gods, and the oldest and largest of the Titans. So when Saturn's largest moon was discovered in 1655.
  • 53 more moon orbits saturn
  • Because Titan's surface is mostly made of water ice, which is abundant in moons of the outer solar system, scientists believe Titan's ocean is likely mostly liquid water. On Earth, tides result from the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun pulling on our surface oceans.
Photo by Marcus Vegas


  • Titan is Saturn's largest moon and the second largest in the solar system (after Ganymede of Jupiter).
  • Titan is the only moon in the solar system with clouds and a dense, planet-like atmosphere.
  • According to sources like NASA, Titan has a lot of conditions that make it similar to Earth.
  • NASA's Cassini spacecraft peers through the murk of Titan's thick
  • Diameter: 3,200.051 miles (5,150 kilometers), about half the size of Earth and almost as large as Mars.

This is a satellite floating by Titan and this picture was taking by the Cassini-Huygeas