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Unit 7 VTL

Published on Dec 14, 2015

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Unit 7 VTL

Photo by TempusVolat


to tell the public why a product is good and why they should buy it
Where do electronic stores, like Sharaf DG adversite their products

Sharag DG usually _________ es its products....


when something is cheap enough for most people to buy
Which phone is more affordable; a Nokia or an i-phone?

i-phone 5C = 2770 dhs.
Nokika = 2000 dhs.

The ____ is more affordable than the____________.
Photo by williamhartz


give someone permission to do something or have something; to say yes to.
In 2001 female students were not allowed to use mobile phones. They had to use the pay phones on campus.

Complete the sentence.

In 2001 the university did not ________________


the buying and selling of goods and services
Let's think about what is bought and sold in souks. Fish, meat and vegetables are all bought and sold in souks.

Read the question and finish the sentence.

What is the commerce of souks?

Their _____ includes the _________________
Photo by zilverbat.


a contest to be more successful than someone or something else
Samsung and Apple are in competition to win the most buyers.

Answer the question. Who will win the competition , Samsung or Apple?

I think ______ will win the _______ because______________
Photo by Janitors


intended to be used only once and then thrown away
My mother puts disposable diapers ( Pampers) on her newest baby. She removes the dirty diaper and puts it in the rubbish. Then, she puts a new diaper on the baby.

Answer the question.

You can put disposable diapers in the rubbish.

Complete the sentence. Mothers like ______ diapers because____________________
Photo by C.E. Kent


to completely get rid of something or someone
I use Piff Paff to eliminate ants, roaches and other insects. After I use Piff Paff all of the insects are gone.

Answer the question.

What do you use to eliminate insects?

I use ____ to _______ insects.


very large
This elephant is enormous. It is very, very large.

Answer the question. Can you think of an enormous animal? What is it? ( Don't use elephant)

The _____ is an _________ animal.
Photo by VinothChandar


to get higher in amount
More students entered the university last year. There was an increase in student numbers.

Let's think about technology.

More people bought i-phones last year.

Finish the sentence.

There was an ______ in sales.
Photo by FutUndBeidl

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