Pause River monsters for a second because I've got a story to tell,get your food and drinks because you are gonna be here a while,this is the story of the war of Pluto!
On the cold night of winter 1954,the S.A.S(Space Army of Swizterland) was getting there troops ready in the cold,dark,damp whether.
As the troops were getting ready,General grievous,the leader of the S.A.S was watching over his men like a hawk keeping watch over its babies.
As the morning neared General Grievous spoke into the microphone and told his troops to hop into there carrier ships to start our 1 hour flight to Pluto.
The troops were chatting about if they were gonna survive or die but all they all knew that if they died they would next to there best friends and there family's in the minds as the last thing they think of before there hearts beat the last beat of there lives.
As they neared Pluto they were under heaving fire from plutonian's machine guns,the S.A.S already lost half there man,General Grievous wasn't to worried about I though.The first carrier ship reaches Pluto,they are met with heaving fire and motors,the other carrier ships make it to Pluto in one peace,General Grievous is on the 154 carrier ship.
As the last carrier ship reaches Pluto the ground it soaked in the red juicy blood of the fallen S.A.S and Plutonian,but the war is not finished yet the S.A.S can still win the war,that is what they thought until the Plutonian suicided and bombed Pluto into tiny little pieces and to this day,Pluto remains gone from our Solar system.