Welcome Back!

Published on Mar 18, 2024

No Description


Welcome Back!

  • Zoom Experiences? Others?
  • Chat Function (traveled?)
  • Raise Hand (utilized tech)
  • Change background (anyone?)
  • Share Screen (volunteers?)
Photo by Kylee Gregg

APA Noticed

  • citations (paraphrased vs quoted)
  • extra spaces
  • source within a source
  • reference page
  • academic tone, assertions or bold claims
  • long quotes and quote heavy writing
  • summarizing vs. sythesizing
  • noticeable themes: post-pandemic learning, and learning or play?

Reading-Your Motivations:

  • Provides a voice for all students (promotes interaction)
  • Prepares students for future applications
  • Great interest and passion
  • Provides multiple resources
  • Assessment/ staying organized
  • Day to day processes of a teacher
  • Researching and writing

What Motivates Students?;

  • Familiarity in a tech-savvy world
  • Promoting fun and playful interactions
  • Organizing work and learning-self learning autonomy
  • Supports varied types of learning
  • Promotes Divergent/Creative learning
Photo by JasonUnbound

Coming Soon!

  • Assigned Reading (Technology and Leadership)-post to discussion board.
  • Next week meeting in class (will go over our final project and assign groups and individual group roles)
Photo by apdk