Why We Do What We Do

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session 7 - ramsac business school

clear your mind

Something on your mind

Write it down now dismiss it until the end of the session


Why we do what we do

What is your motive for action
Photo by justin_levy

Untitled Slide

TED Talk

Warning: Contains multiple F-Bombs!

There are 2 master Lessons:

1. Science of achievement

2. Art of fulfillment

STUFF does not make you happy

Photo by Enthuan

decisions shape your destiny

resourcefulness not resources

Photo by tarotastic


emotion leads to motion

Photo by themonnie

Destiny Decisions:
1. What am I going to focus on?
2. What does it mean?
3. What am I going to do?

everything happens for a reason

Photo by spacepleb

"Your world's not falling apart,
it's falling into place"

Casting Crowns - Just be Held

strength & fitness

Photo by Eddi van W.

what shapes you?

Untitled Slide


how are you using your body?
Photo by profzucker

what questions do you ask yourself?

Photo by Shawn Econo

your life is controlled by what you focus on

Photo by chase_elliott

spend more time in positive, resourceful emotional states

Photo by hey mr glen

what's your target?

what are you after?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

6 human needs

we're the same and we're different!

Photo by shawnzrossi

binge eating

Photo by djwtwo


Photo by gibsonsgolfer

certainty v uncertainty

Photo by hannesseibt


Photo by Leo Reynolds

connection & love

Photo by whisperwolf

or achievement

Photo by hang_in_there

needs of the spirit

where you find fulfillment
Photo by Pilottage


Photo by ecastro


the secret of living is giving!


how might we use this?

Photo by Leo Reynolds

your personal needs tilt your direction

Photo by Colin ZHU

The Seven Beliefs

  • Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us
  • There is no such thing as failure
  • Whatever happens, take responsibility
  • It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything
  • People are your greatest resource
  • Work is play
  • There’s no abiding success without commitment
Photo by Leo Reynolds

“Choose a job you
love, and you will
never have to work
a day in your life".

Photo by kerolic

feel happy or excited

no mattter what happens - find a way!


  • What's in your head?
  • What needs, beliefs and emotions are controlling you?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What can you give?
  • How can you be more positive?
  • Do you know what's driving others?
Photo by Kuyan Redman


Photo by colinaut

thank you

You're awesome (extremely hot) and I love you!
Photo by katwhidden