Brayden Trigger's life
6:00-He wakes up and his older sister Shannon makes eggs. His mom helps him practice for his spelling test. Then he feeds the chickens.
7:45- The website states Branden arrives at school his
with mom works there so she drives them. It takes them 30 minutes to get there.
8:30- during morning FITNESS,he runs cross country training. Then we have spelling test and German. Both of the test go well and he gets 15 out of 15.
10:30- He and his class has morning tea. Then he has recess for 15 minutes. I have to finish my math home work so,he used his free time for that.
11:30-He has religion class. After that he has tennis lessons. They get to play 45 minutes of tennis.
1:00- They eat lunch. After that Branden and his friend Josh kick a football together. In his afternoon class he uses the internet. He has to find a aboriginal legend and print it. Then he will act it out with his partner next week. Then he picks it with his partner than he practices to act it out.
2:45- He gets out of school. He usually leaves at 4:00 but he has to help his dad.
3:30- He helps his dad to stick entry numbers on cattle. This year they have 120 cattle to enter.
6:30- they get home and eat dinner. Watch tv but he is to tired and he noes he has a big day tomorrow.
8:00- He goes to bed.