R is for Reconstruction. When the government banned books, they were reconstructing society. After Montag realizes that the government is ruining society instead of helping it he wants to reconstruct society again. He wants to do that by bringing books back.
S is for Simple. The life the people live is simple. The same routine every day, for their whole lives. They don't care a about anything, and ignore anything out of the ordinary.
T is for Tantalizing. Tantalizing is getting someone exciting or interested. This meaning portrays Montags view on books. He never gives up on them, never leaving them alone. Never forgets them.
U is for Unique. In the 3rd part of Fahrenheit 451, the hobos and Montag are unique compared to others in their society. Montags (and people like him) opinion on books is also unique, being that he's supposed to not enjoy books nor want to read them. Montag wanting the world to change is also quite unique, since a lot of people were "happy".
V is for Vicious. Montag seems to be vicious when he set fire to Beatty. Fahrenheit 451 also shows viciousness when the war starts. Again, Montag is too blame.
W is for Withering. When the war breaks out, the city, starts to wither. Everything starts getting blown up, and soon, the city is nothing but ash. Montag looked back at one point and saw nothing.
X is for Xenophobic. In a way, the people in Fahrenheit 451 are xenophobes. But instead of fearing foreigners or strangers, they fear the thinkers of their society. And in a way, the thinkers are the foreigners of their society.
Y is for Yearning. Montag yearns for change, so he makes it. He sets fire to Beatty, runs away from the cops, and tricks the hound. He also yearns for the knowledge books give them.
Z is for Zoetic. Montag is actually living, or being zoetic, when he decides he wants change. Compared to society, he's one of the few who actually live. Alongside him are the hobos, Clarisse, Faber, and Granger.