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Ocean Biome

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BY: Mazen,Villiami,Bader

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  • Background Info:
  • Avg Depth - 1642m Avg Temp. - -1.8C Home to polar bears, whales, seals, and walrus
  • Climate change has caused H20 temperature rise and ice to melt resulting in water level rise.
  • A solution to prevent climate change is to burn up less fossil fuels, which releases toxic gases into the atmosphere.
  • Another solution is to use for energy efficient everyday things. For ex, A car. The last solution is to use hydro and wind power plants instead of nuclear and fossil fuel power plants.

Climate, Weather, and Location - Positive

  • A positive impact if an ocean is in a location with oil, the government can install oil rigs to power ships and military navy.
  • Another positive impact is that we have now turned to renewable energy which is good and reducing global warming.
  • The last positive human impact to the ocean is that the the places located by the coast of the ocean have a large supply for food and water. Ex. Fish
  • The last positive impact is that in some parts of the ocean the climate is good and the coastal regions attracts a lot of tourists.

Animal Life - Postive

  • -The way how terrestrial biome food chains works is pretty much the same thing as the ocean biome -Some examples of animals that live in the ocean biome is Hammerhead sharks,Pacific White sided dolphin, Killer whale
  • -One positive human impact is they are making sure that recycle bags are handed out and used -Another one is they are making volunteers clean the beach up at the end of the day

Animal Life - Negative

  • -Human impact is pollution and dumping. Pollution and dumping is when people let toxic waste or other junk that is not suppose to be there into water
  • - One solution they have for ocean pollution is the government is being more strict about to the manufacturing companies
  • -Another solution is the government is making sure that the sewages are working properly but also in an eco friendly way

Plant Life - Negative

  • Oil spills have destroyed plant life in ocean waters.
  • We depend on biodiversity for our food. The world's major food plants are grains,vegetables and fruits. These plants have all been bred from plants in the wild.
  • A solution to stop this is to be more careful of the environment and what we are doing to it.

Plant Life - Positive

  • Green plants use sunlight to make their own food are called producers. Animals use the food plants produce plants also make oxygen.

Physical Landscape - Negative:

  • People throw plastics into the Atlantic Oceans, this affects the ecosystem and it can unbalance the ecosystems and the landscape of the ocean
  • -We could stop littering the ocean a lot -Instead of throwing plastics straight into the ocean, we should put them in recycling bins
  • We should have beach cleanups more often
  • Donate to a beach cleanup organization
  • If you live really close to an ocean, always volunteer for beach cleanups
  • -The Atlantic Ocean is the youngest Ocean -The Atlantic Ocean has a depth of 8,486 meters -The Atlantic Ocean has four ocean zones: The sunlit zone, The Twilight Zone, The Midnight zone, The mesopelagic zone

Physical Landscape - Positive:

  • Some people already started using reusable bags
  • Some people are go to beach cleanups to clean up litter
  • Some people donate money to organizations so we could clean our beaches faster