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Red Bamboo Eaters-saeed

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by whisperwolf

Animal description
The red panda can
Grow up to the size of a house cat and it has
Red,white and black on it's coat. It is one of the smallest
Animals in the forest.When a baby red panda is Born it has tan fur and
Get red fur.The red panda eats bamboo And other things like fruit, Roots and plants. At zoo's they will feed Them biscuits and other things.

Photo by Fartre

The red panda eats bamboo roots,fruit and
Other plants.The snow Leopard will hunt Red pandas,Mountain sheep and wild pigs and other animals.The Red panda protects
It's self by standing on it's two
back feet
and attacks.The red panda finds it's food on Trees and on the ground.

Photo by LK-GA

The red panda lives in
The forest with a lot of Plants and animals.The red panda's
Habitat can be found in country's in Asia.The Climates is hot most of the day and gets cold in the night.You would see bamboo,fruits and plants.

The Red panda eats
the bamboo and the Bamboo gives it energy and then
goes looking for more.did you know that a red panda eats 200 to 300 bamboo plants a day?! The red panda Can not only eat bam boo but it can eat a lot of things.

Photo by wundoroo


Photo by D_P_R