Financial powerhouse - former CFO of Citigroup and executive at Merrill Lynch
- penchant for telling it like it is
-fired for suggesting that Citigroup partially refund its clients for investments positioned by Citi as low risk that had taken a nosedive during the 2008 financial crisis
"I've found that speaking truth has not always stood me in good stead in terms of my career progression, but it always, always, always stood me in good stead in terms of managing businesses"
- demonstrated the perfect pitch of emotional intelligence
- After Hadiya Pendelton, student who performed at 2012 inauguration, was shot and killed, Michelle attended the funeral and returned to Chicago to meet with other students affected by gang shootings
- vision of spearheading a different kind of women's magazine that encourages women to make a difference in the world
- 2007: became Marie Claire magazine editor
- shifted its editorial content to include investigative journalism that targeted women's issues
-EX: story on women's rape kits getting tossed instead of being tested and used in criminal prosecutions - drove magazine circulation to a new high & short-listed Marie Claire magazine for a prestigious journalism award - included socially conscious editorials agendas, which spotlighted women for humanitarian achievements, not just fashion sense
-Must have the basics: Grammar, clear articulation, umm, like
-Tone of Voice: Voice training, be careful of shrill voice, ending on a high note, when you get emotional beware of being pushy/aggressive or High pitched tone
-Recognize when your voice is causing people to tune out
-Speak slowly, even keeled and use a calm/nurturing voice to get your point across so you are HEARD
-Even as you gain more leadership/ or higher positions you may get nervous...breathe deeply or get a sip of water Even as you gain more leadership/ or higher positions you may get nervous...breathe deeply or get a sip of water
-This is a CHALLENGE I always battle with - difference between assertive/forceful/being tough -Its not this is what I want and how I want it, have to be strategic -Assertiveness ranks high because it implies: confidence,vision and decisiveness. -Show teeth but don’t growl, -BE proactive not pushy, bold but not abbrassive -Speaking up with GRACE & SUBSTANCE
is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and to manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt environments or achieve one's goals
Ultimate goal of Communication is to MAKE an IMPACT, Influence, Shift an audience, way of thinking, motivate action
"Every single interaction means something. Email. Verbal Communication. Everything matters. Every time you communicate it should reflect positively on you." - Rohini Anand, Senior VP at Sodexho.
Communication is a core part of your personal brand- Good Communication is key- People will LISTEN, YOU WILL BE HEARD
How we choose to present or groom ourselves, translates into respect - for ourselves, for others and for the work we are tasked to do. It suggests to others that we will take the same care with people, projects and clients.
Appearance - all-important filter in judging whether you have what it takes to not just lead, but to succeed.
Moving up the ladder = your band of acceptability widens
in other words, you have to build a base, then you can have the more leeway with different styles of dress.
2010 Amex women's conference senior, global respected leader wears the fantastic red dress. Professionals earn the right as time progresses take risks with appearance.
Opps to make 1st impression exist @ every stage of career.
The obstacles to negotiate or conundrums from the research.
1) appropriate and authentic - fit in while being true to yourself (apply to all 3 pillars) - inauthentic - lack internal confidence 2) attractive but not sexy - don't be distracting from your brilliance, not about sex appeal, do you have Em Intel to recognize its effect on others; how to dial back your personal preference to conform to others' version of sexy or appropriate 3) chic but not trendy -
The Center for Talent Innovation's research reveals that good grooming far surpasses in importance any of these five top traits, things which we may not be able to control.
Consciously highlight your best attributes and features, taking time to appear well groomed.
Fitness/In Shape - if you are fit, others have confidence that you will take care of what you are asked because you are taking care of yourself.
A D grade impacts your EP more negatively. D stands for "distract", do not adorn yourself in ways that distract others from your performance, your communication skills and your gravitas - especially on the way up the ladder.
Packaging is not the heart of any gift, but elegant wrapping definitely attracts attention, suggesting that something truly special resides inside - few people, after all, would choose a brown paper bag over a Tiffany's blue box.
Challenges for Female and Multicultural Executives
*Senior leadership in 96% of Fortune 500 CEOs are male. Only 4.4% are people of color. Senior leadership is white, male and preferably tall. *Women and multicultural employees are at an immediate disadvantage from the moment they walk into the room - can't exhibit qualities of stereotypical "CEO package" *Challenge: how will they reflect the prevailing leadership model and showcase their talents while staying true to individual identities & heritage.
For women of color, don't focus on whether the stereotype is right or wrong, rather,
"How do I deal with the stereotype so I can be n a position to help change the game?"
Professionals of color are inclined to downplay their differences or refrain from sharing details of their social or private lives, 24% more likely than their white peers to "recast their stories" about background or origins in a corporate setting
Diverse decisions needed for hiring to support authenticity