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03-15-2017 Executive Presence: The Dream is Real

Published on Feb 14, 2017

Preconference Session for ACUI Annual Conference - 2017 based on VIA Character Strengths and Sylvia Ann Hewlett's book, Executive Presence.


Executive Presence

The Dream is Real
WELCOME from presenters.

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Goals of our session and personal goal setting
Photo by Jamiesrabbits

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Share/Pair and Introductions
Photo by Editor B

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Overview of Character Strengths

These are strengths, that are prioritized. Where do you go when you are your best self?

Just because Honesty is lower on the list doesn't mean you are an dishonest person.

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Transition to EP

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/4cJ5mG8Ml64

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• Original Roman definition:
- Virtue

• It has come to mean:
- Depth of character
- Moral authenticity
- Command over others

How you

• Are you centered?

• Reflects your inner authority

• Respond, don’t react
Photo by mdanys

The CONFIDENCE & JUDGMENT you inspire in others to FOLLOW and TRUST your vision

• Kouzes & Posner

• Leadership is in the key of the follower

• Are your actions compelling?

• Difference between demand and command
Photo by VinothChandar

Someone worthy of being heard & followed

• Authenticity

• Genuine

• Trustworthy

• Credible
Photo by Jaako

Someone who walks their talk

• You are always on stage

• Are you “all in”?

• There is no disconnection between what you say and how you act
Photo by Kaptah

The real deal

• Are you engaged?

• Do you have the “full” package

• Can you achieve results & have impact?
Photo by aftab.


• Composure in stressful situations

• Compassion for people
- Can people see your heart?

• Vision:
- Do you have one?
- Can you paint a picture of where you want to go?
- Can you inspire others?
Photo by EladeManu

Which do executives believe contributes the most to executive presence?

• Gravitas is by far the most important of the 3 pillars

• How you act is critical

Core Traits of Gravitas (Women)

• They are virtually the same for men:

- Confidence – 76
- Decisiveness – 70
- Integrity – 63
- EQ – 58
- Reputation – 57
- Vision – 54

• Within 0-pts of each

• Confidence is key

First Lady Michelle Obama spoke on Monday at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, framing the election in terms of America's children.

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/4dFp-kALXMw

• Look at this short clip of former First Lady Michelle Obama

• What do you see in her that demonstrates gravitas?

- Confidence
- Composure
- Compassion
- High moral compass
- When they go low – we go high

To acquire & sustain gravitas -

  • Ace at least 3 of the 6 core traits
  • Not fail miserably at any one trait
• The full package
Photo by Auntie P

Confidence & "Grace Under Fire"

Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund
- universally respected for her poise, levelheadedness, & composure while steering her country through the 2008 liquidity crunch

- restored IMF credibility with her leadership style

- Her aura of confidence and competence has provided a reassuring calm amidst global crises and economic uncertainty

Decisiveness & "Showing Teeth"

Margaret Thatcher, Britain's former Prime Minister
Three-term Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

- the "Iron Lady" for acting with "vigor & directness" and being unwavering in her often controversial positions

-made and stood by her tough choices:

EX: 1982 war in the Falkland Islands that many politicians advised not to enter (British won)
"Britain is not prepared to be pushed around" - Thatcher

- earned enemies, but her decisiveness commanded respect

Integrity & "Speaking Truth to Power"

Sallie Krawcheck, finance executive
Financial powerhouse - former CFO of Citigroup and executive at Merrill Lynch

- penchant for telling it like it is

-fired for suggesting that Citigroup partially refund its clients for investments positioned by Citi as low risk that had taken a nosedive during the 2008 financial crisis

"I've found that speaking truth has not always stood me in good stead in terms of my career progression, but it always, always, always stood me in good stead in terms of managing businesses"

Emotional Intelligence

Michelle Obama, former First Lady
- demonstrated the perfect pitch of emotional intelligence

- After Hadiya Pendelton, student who performed at 2012 inauguration, was shot and killed, Michelle attended the funeral and returned to Chicago to meet with other students affected by gang shootings

- made impassioned plea for tighter gun control

- her speech embodied empathy

Reputation & Standing

Angelina Jolie, public figure
- universally admired public figure
-depth, heft, and clout

-distinguished herself among movie stars by her dedication to underprivileged children around the world

- efforts are deeper than photo-op moments that usually characterize celebrity involvement in good causes

- traveled with United Nations' refugee agency as a goodwill ambassador

- Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation
- National Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Children
-Member on the Council on Foreign Relations


Joanna Coles, editor of Cosmopolitan magazine
- vision of spearheading a different kind of women's magazine that encourages women to make a difference in the world

- 2007: became Marie Claire magazine editor

- shifted its editorial content to include investigative journalism that targeted women's issues

-EX: story on women's rape kits getting tossed instead of being tested and used in criminal prosecutions
- drove magazine circulation to a new high & short-listed Marie Claire magazine for a prestigious journalism award
- included socially conscious editorials agendas, which spotlighted women for humanitarian achievements, not just fashion sense

Gravitas Blunders

• Which of these are the most serious?

• Sexual impropriety

- Lies
- Cover-ups
- Unethical

• 52% sexual impropriety
• 43% vacillates too much
• 42% inflated ego
• 39% lack of deep expertise
• 34% lack of impact

• Difference of 1-3 pts between men & women’s ratings


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Your communication style is what you telegraph to the world
Photo by denzombie

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How we communicate will determine if we are heard of if we are just talking, serious communication skills = people will HEAR YOU

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What do you think are the top communication traits?
Photo by Scott McLeod

Top Communication Traits

  • Speaking Skills
  • Command A Room
  • Assertiveness
  • Read Your Audience
  • Humor
  • Body Language
-Oral communication goes hand in hand with gravitas

-If you can’t communicate your vision and get people on board you are not leading.

-Great speaking skills: in all venues public & private, large groups & 1:1
Photo by Marc Wathieu

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Speaking Skills

-Must have the basics: Grammar, clear articulation, umm, like

-Tone of Voice: Voice training, be careful of shrill voice, ending on a high note, when you get emotional beware of being pushy/aggressive or High pitched tone

-Recognize when your voice is causing people to tune out

-Speak slowly, even keeled and use a calm/nurturing voice to get your point across so you are HEARD

-Even as you gain more leadership/ or higher positions you may get nervous...breathe deeply or get a sip of water
Even as you gain more leadership/ or higher positions you may get nervous...breathe deeply or get a sip of water
Photo by Ken Whytock

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-How you approach meetings, projects is important.

-Be concise, lead with purpose, get their attention immediately, engage

-Understand your audience, put yourself in their shoes.

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Assertive & Forcefullness

-This is a CHALLENGE I always battle with
- difference between assertive/forceful/being tough
-Its not this is what I want and how I want it, have to be strategic
-Assertiveness ranks high because it implies: confidence,vision and decisiveness.
-Show teeth but don’t growl, -BE proactive not pushy, bold but not abbrassive
-Speaking up with GRACE & SUBSTANCE

Photo by *katz

Read Your Audience

- takes emotional intelligence

is the capability of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and to manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt environments or achieve one's goals

-like a sailor reading the wind

-Sense the mood of audience...

-ADAPT your style to be successful

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-Valuable to know current trends and topics even if not your thing, be able to add to a conversation

For me as an introvert this comes easy though I didn't realize others thought i was funny until recently.

For an introvert this may be challenging, so instead forcing humor, be able to make small talk

Read quote

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Positive Body

Amy Cuddy TED Talk

Link to Video: https://youtu.be/Ks-_Mh1QhMc

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Link to Video:

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Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP2BXsGGHH4

Communication blunders are like deflating balloon sucks air right out of your EP

EP is like walking a tight rope

Important to recognize strengths but also areas you need to work on, we all have work to do!

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is thinking that double standards don't exist, or that we will be treat equally as our counter parts.

males, privlege etc

We have to work harder!

Biggest Blunder: Biased Communication/ Off Color Jokes

trying to have too much humor or go along with the majority
Photo by yomamagomama

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This is a picture of President Barak Obama delivering a speech after the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012....

Number one blunder is showing too much Emotion.

While this image humanized President Obama, for a woman it may be seen as weak to show this much emotion depending on the situation

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Constant Device checking. I am guilty, how many of you are?
Photo by Jangra Works

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Appearing distracted or bored in meetings...Boredom is your fault, even if the topic is not engaging your role is to be engaged to your audience

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-Trying to have the most questions, lots of slides, tons of data…. makes you look under prepared

- practice being concise and digging deeper into a subject to be more than one question deep...

your slides don't exhibit your knowledge, thought provoking & dialogue does

-while important knowledge, be concise with what you present, the SUBSTANCE is what matters
Photo by Agus MC

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to each is own but it is shown to detract from our EP, be articulate with your points
Photo by Alice Chaos

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We do not use our femininity to advance ourselves or establish our presence. We use our BRAINS
Photo by TottoBG

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Strive to strengthen your communications skills, but don't expect to be perfect. We are all growing and evolving. Be your true authentic self

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Up your game

to get where you need to get...project,school, professionally.

Identify your communication strengths and the blunders you should work on, ADD this to your Goal Setting

Your grammar, your brand, good communication
Photo by artnoose

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Ultimate goal of Communication is to MAKE an IMPACT,
Influence, Shift an audience, way of thinking, motivate action

"Every single interaction means something. Email. Verbal Communication. Everything matters. Every time you communicate it should reflect positively on you." - Rohini Anand, Senior VP at Sodexho.

Communication is a core part of your personal brand- Good Communication is key- People will LISTEN, YOU WILL BE HEARD
Photo by highersights

Break Time


This may feel uncomfortable at times, but what we will discuss is what the research from the 18 focus groups conducted in 2012 for research.

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Sheryl Sandberg - Appearance & Perceptions
What do you think of when you see this photo of Sandberg, Facebook COO?

Story of Kallima Clarke, ESPN financial analyst - move from kid to adult, increased her confidence and changed others' perceptions

Appearance opens door and gets you "invited in", allows you to be assessed on other more critical faculties

1st impressions exert profound influence on how others size you up, before speaking.

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People make immediate judgments on what they see, not what they hear.

Others assess your competence, likability, trustworthiness and attractiveness in 250 milliseconds - 1/4 of a second!
Photo by flod

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Appearance is one's lighthouse. Get the attn focused on you, then you have to deliver.

Respect and credibility are yours to win or lose - but easier to win if you look the part.

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Your appearance should match the company's culture; no one look works for all.

Hierarchical environments 3x more likely to cite attractiveness and polish as contributors to Women's EP

Don't be like everyone else, not necessary. Just be professional.
Photo by MattHurst

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How we choose to present or groom ourselves, translates into respect - for ourselves, for others and for the work we are tasked to do. It suggests to others that we will take the same care with people, projects and clients.

Appearance - all-important filter in judging whether you have what it takes to not just lead, but to succeed.
Photo by Rogier Noort

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Experience Begets Bandwidth

Moving up the ladder = your band of acceptability widens

in other words, you have to build a base, then you can have the more leeway with different styles of dress.

2010 Amex women's conference senior, global respected leader wears the fantastic red dress. Professionals earn the right as time progresses take risks with appearance.

Opps to make 1st impression exist @ every stage of career.
Photo by -=(orionz3)=-

Polished & Put Together

Good Grooming
Appearance is highly personal topic, and emotional. They do not agree, but compelled to share whole picture.

Good grooming is most impactful physical trait for women - 35% and higher for men at 38%.

Polished & Put Together - less about what you wear, per se, but how you wear it.

The finishing touches make you shine.

They are all choices. If you want to play to win, you have to know game's rules.
Photo by classic_film

Navigating the Guardrails

AKA 3 Conundrums
Navigating the guardrails

The obstacles to negotiate or conundrums from the research.

1) appropriate and authentic - fit in while being true to yourself (apply to all 3 pillars) - inauthentic - lack internal confidence
2) attractive but not sexy - don't be distracting from your brilliance, not about sex appeal, do you have Em Intel to recognize its effect on others; how to dial back your personal preference to conform to others' version of sexy or appropriate
3) chic but not trendy -
Photo by Javcon117*

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chic and trendy

focus on quality over quantity

58% agree flashy accessories or too much jewelry zap EP

expensive-looking clothes OK - as long as they are tailored, tasteful and in good condition

Know the industry standards: media/tech - funky & smart, no uniform
finance - uniform of chanel & high-quality clothing
Photo by bourgeoisbee

EP Begets EP

EP begets EP - lack of EP in one area (pillar) curtails the chances of building another. - Unless no one provides her honest feedback.

The one most important element affecting your EP is under your very own control - good grooming

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Body Shape & Physical Image

The Center for Talent Innovation's research reveals that good grooming far surpasses in importance any of these five top traits, things which we may not be able to control.

Consciously highlight your best attributes and features, taking time to appear well groomed.

Fitness/In Shape - if you are fit, others have confidence that you will take care of what you are asked because you are taking care of yourself.

Appearance's Litmus Test

The Big "D"
A D grade impacts your EP more negatively. D stands for "distract", do not adorn yourself in ways that distract others from your performance, your communication skills and your gravitas - especially on the way up the ladder.
Photo by Mike Prince

Packaging is not the heart of any gift, but elegant wrapping definitely attracts attention, suggesting that something truly special resides inside - few people, after all, would choose a brown paper bag over a Tiffany's blue box.

Photo by Surfrdan

The Struggle to Succeed as You

Challenges for Female and Multicultural Executives

*Senior leadership in 96% of Fortune 500 CEOs are male. Only 4.4% are people of color. Senior leadership is white, male and preferably tall.
*Women and multicultural employees are at an immediate disadvantage from the moment they walk into the room - can't exhibit qualities of stereotypical "CEO package"
*Challenge: how will they reflect the prevailing leadership model and showcase their talents while staying true to individual identities & heritage.

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Greater scrutiny and higher bar for multicultural and minority talent

People of color wrestle with a fundamental tension between fitting in and standing out.

Unconscious bias leads others to view people of color with increased scrutiny.

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IT Factor

Authenticity v. Conformity
For women of color, don't focus on whether the stereotype is right or wrong, rather,

"How do I deal with the stereotype so I can be n a position to help change the game?"

Professionals of color are inclined to downplay their differences or refrain from sharing details of their social or private lives, 24% more likely than their white peers to "recast their stories" about background or origins in a corporate setting

Diverse decisions needed for hiring to support authenticity
Photo by daemonsquire

Break Time

Photo by Infomastern

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Personal Goals and use for Strengths.

Photo by .reid.

Michelle M. Lopez, Ph.D.

Debra Hammond, M.A.

Tari Hunter, M.S.