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A question I hear at Ontheredbox is, “I wonder who benefits more when I evangelize, me or the person I am talking to?”

To be sure, there is nothing greater than getting your name in the Book of Life!

I asked our 25 leaders the top benefits of weekly prayer and evangelism.

Here is their list.

10 Benefits

Published on May 25, 2016

What are the greatest personal benefits when you preach the gospel.


10 Benefits

for the soul-winner
A question I hear at Ontheredbox is, “I wonder who benefits more when I evangelize, me or the person I am talking to?”

To be sure, there is nothing greater than getting your name in the Book of Life!

I asked our 25 leaders the top benefits of weekly prayer and evangelism.

Here is their list.


A party explodes in my heart when a sinner repents
When God moves in evangelism I am filled with joy. I feel a party explode in my heart when a sinner repents from their sin.
Photo by Will Montague


When I am obedient
When I am obedient to going into all the world, I just feel blessed.


 like an injection of Spiritual Life
Being on the street and witnessing is like an injection of Spiritual Life into my system.

Spiritual Growth

My passion for God grows
Doing evangelism every week keeps me close to Jesus and the fire burning. My passion for God grows.


I understand better the work of the Cross
Preaching the cross helps me to better understand what Jesus did for me. The revelation increases the more I evangelize.


I get a greater burden for the lost
Just talking with people on the street, I see my love and compassion for the lost grow.


Evangelism used to be hard.  Not now.
I grow in my ability to communicate the gospel message. It used to be hard, now I feel fluent.

Fervent in Prayer

Evangelism keeps me praying
The more I evangelize the more I realize I cannot do it and must have the Holy Spirit. It keeps me praying.


Faith grows when I see God work
My faith grows as I see God continually at work and answering our prayers.
Photo by VinothChandar

Smile of God

He is happy with me
- I sense the smile of God just knowing I am fulfilling the great commission.

If you are not talking to people every week about their soul, look at all you are missing out on!
I encourage you to start today!

Photo by lanuiop