Top Ten Social Media Trends And Stats In 2014

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Top ten emerging trends and supporting stats to consider when developing your social media marketing strategy in 2014.


Top Ten Social Media Trends and Stats
in 2014

Photo by Julia Folsom

1. Social Listening becomes more important

Use social listening to find opportunities to interact directly with customers.
Marketers need to not only set up streams in HootSuite to watch tweets, but they need to get in the habit of listening and responding.

Social listening gives you the opportunity to join the conversation, learn what the overall sentiment is on your product or service, see who your audience is talking to about your product, and learn about new trends.

Photo by Orange_Beard

2. Images drive more engagement

Images provide customers with more information in a shorter amount of time.
People are busy creatures, and they can be doing multiple things at once. Hence, people tend to favor content that's visually engaging and can be consumed and comprehended in a shorter amount of time.

Photo by Ian Sane

3. Videos are shared more frequently

More than 50% of all online traffic is now video-based.
With shorter attention spans and busier schedules, videos are the next big thing. Make them fun and keep them short and sweet with a touch of humor.

Photo by sevgi.k

4. podcasting is a form of deeper engagement

5% of marketers currently do podcasts, 24% say they plan to in the next 12 months.
More and more, people are hosting and joining podcasts. Podcasting provides you with a new opportunity to reach your audience and maintain their attention for 30 minutes or more depending on the length of the podcast.


Learn how you can promote your podcast with Haiku Deck here:
Photo by mediageek

5. Google+ continues to grow

Approximately 300 million people are using Google+ every month.
You might've heard the phrase, "Google+ is a ghost town," but they couldn't be more wrong. This social network is "growing in prominence" and it's time to find out how you can use this network in a way that benefits your brand.


6. The need for Social Advertising increases

57% of marketers used social ads in 2013; another 23% are expected to start in 2014.
Here are a few things to consider as you consider how to best leverage social ads:

-What are your marketing goals?
-What's your budget?
-What does your audience need?
-Which channel will work the best and what type of ad should you use?
-Experiment and create multiple ads and test them out to find out what will work the best.

Photo by Keoni Cabral

7. Social and Email Marketing intertwine

68% of marketers say email is core to their business.
Lately, email marketing and social media have been going hand in hand. Stay top-of-mind with email marketing and increase your brand's visibility with social media.

Photo by dvs

8. focus your marketing on mobile devices

37% of our time spent online is on a mobile device.
With the increase in smart phone users, people are more inclined to view their social media networks right there on their mobile device -- it's easier and a lot more convenient.

Photo by garryknight

9. Use contests to attract new fans

Contests, promotions and giveaways help attract new fans and interact with existing ones.
Don't just push content to your audience for consumption, create excitement, expand your reach and increase brand exposure by turning up the level of fun with cool contests, sweet promotions and awesome giveaways.

Photo by Flowizm

10. Social Media ROI is easier to prove

Focus less on "Likes" and more on leads, website traffic, conversions and revenue genrated.
Marketers are shifting their focus away from just measuring likes and followers, and are beginning to incorporate more social media reporting tools outside of the native tools such as Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics, to show more value with their social media efforts.

In addition, "social media influence will be the most sought-after metric in 2014."

Photo by John-Morgan


The growth of social media has been "near exponential," and about 72% of all Internet users are also using social media. New platforms are also being developed and are gaining popularity, such as Ello.

Check out the infographic here to see more stats capturing the growth of social media in the past year:

Read more about the newest social media platform, Ello, here:'s-the-deal-with-ello/

Set your story free

Additional resources:

Ten Reasons Why Visual Communication Can't Be Ignored:

Social Media + Content Marketing Haiku Deck Templates:

Optimize the Display Of Haiku Deck on Social Media:

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