This is my 10 observations, experiences in the last 5 years from learning meditation and starting doing it. I hope it can inspire you do what I'm doing now by sharing this.
You may pray or think about your God during that period of 30 mins or 1hr or more.
And if you can "nail" your thought to that (don't let any thoughts coming in between... or at least try not letting it coming), after 30 mins or so, you'll certainly get a calm and peaceful feeling which you can't miss that, an inner peace filling up your body and mind.
However, it's not that easy to experience that enlightening. Some ones only need 7 days, meditating. Some others would take years or the whole life or many lives.
Then, I can clear my doubt about whether I can start without a master. I don't have to meditate to become a great monk. But I would love to become a great person after all.
And with your thinking power, that is when you can use the knowledge you have learned to rationale whether things are right or wrong, good or bad, etc.
And the last wisdom is doing. Only through really doing, experiencing things, you gain real lessons. You use both knowledge and thinking to make it work, in real.
And I believe, only through doing, and direct experiencing things, you can turn "external knowledge" into "your real knowledge". And that's the ultimate goal for really knowing things.
In meditation, knowledge is important, thinking is also important. But people usually stop or are stuck at those. Too much knowledge or thinking stops us to move forward, prevents us from really advancing on the meditation journey.
That's the lesson for meditation practice. And it is the same for everything. You have to balance and practice all three types of wisdom, in order to really master something.
Without food, you may survive in 20-30 days. Without water, you may survive in matter of days. Without breathing, how long do you think you can survive? Matter of minutes, right?
As the old sayings, the past is over, the future is not here yet. We only have the Now here with us. And most of the time, we only live with the past or the future and forget the present.
And our breaths are the means to help remind us the present every second. If you can agree with that, you'll start seeing things a lot more beautiful around you.
And by practising going back and being aware of each and every of your breaths, it'll prepare or build the behaviour to help you bring your focus back to anything you would like to focus in your daily life.
Once asked about what is the biggest thing in this world among little kids. Several answers were given. The first one is "father"... Right, he is always the biggest in one of the kid's eye.
But there is a brilliant answer... It's the eye. If father and mountain are that big, and the eye can contain them all, the eye is much bigger. It can contain everything in this world. So, it's the biggest thing. A brilliant observation, don't you agree?
Everyone knows this old story. The setup is for the donkey to walk forward. The donkey even tries to run fast to catch the carrot. And he will be exhausted after all, without being successful catching the carrot.
We may find ourselves in the same situation in this life. We try to catch many things in this life which we may call it success (money, title, asset, ...) The problem is that it seems never enough and it burned us exhausted.
Going back to the story, once getting exhausted, the donkey suddenly stops. And that's when the carrot, by inertia, automatically gets its way into the donkey's mouth.
That is we always try to do the right thing. Yet, at the same time, we non-stop argue what is the right thing that we may not have the same answer for everyone.
So, how do we solve this? While there is no absolutely right thing, there are things harmful to people and there are things not. You'll need to do the latter one.
Very simple, right? But believe me, it may take you your whole life to master it. And if you can be that comfortable, relaxing and aware in any moment, you're meditating. It doesn't need that you have to sit meditating or walk meditating.
To prevent those risks, you will need to always remind yourself to do it from the base of an open heart, ethics, generosity, integrity, harming nobody thoughts.