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Hi Everyone! My name is Linda J. Wolff! I am an author of Urban Poetry 2017. In my site I love to create a "feel good moment". Life is about being happy, so I gathered 10 of my favorite quotes hoping to inspire a smile across your beautiful faces. Hope you enjoy!

10 Quotes to Help YOU Feel Good

Published on Jan 10, 2017

There is a lot of good in life, despite all the struggles we must face on a daily basis. Don't take each moment for granted. Count each struggle, each blessing as a way of growing to be the more successful you! - Linda J. Wolff ©http://www.urbanpoetry2017.com


10 Quotes to Help YOU Feel Good

Smile and laugh often!
Hi Everyone! My name is Linda J. Wolff! I am an author of Urban Poetry 2017. In my site I love to create a "feel good moment". Life is about being happy, so I gathered 10 of my favorite quotes hoping to inspire a smile across your beautiful faces. Hope you enjoy!

Yellow Glow

embrace life's little moments
A demanding sunrise
requested my full attention.
I looked into the gorgeous,
yellow glow lacing
the hilltops in front of me.
I sighed a long breath
into the chilly air.
I wrapped my hands around
my hot cup of coffee and smiled.
–Linda J. Wolff

Live Lightly

cherish life
live lightly.
spin words
into laughter.
dance to the beat
of its song.
and everyone listens
and taps their feet along.
- Linda J. Wolff

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Beautiful Butterfly of Life

You're created equally.
you’re a man or woman.
you’re black, brown, or white.
you’re a person who is wealthy or poor.
you’re educated or illiterate.
you’re non-believer or believe in GOD.
you’re equal to share in basic needs of food, shelter, safety, and love.
you’re equal to share in worries, struggles, fears, and dreams.
you’re equal to have hopes, happiness, and support.
you’re  created equally.
You’re a beautiful butterfly of life!
–Linda J. Wolff

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Focus and Laugh

Be planted in the depth of self-love.
I have beliefs, and what other people think of me is not important. It’s what I think of myself that counts. I must take the stand, and surround myself with those who accept me for who I am. Those who make me laugh, and help me focus on the good in life.

“Take the stand, rise tall, and firm, planted in the depths of self-love.”
–Linda J. Wolff

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Song Bird

Sometimes you just need to let it go.
Forgive me.
It is time to open
my heart
and let you go
 little song bird.
fly freely to the blue sky.
–Linda J. Wolff

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What path will you choose?
“How far must I stray before, I realize, that my journey leads back to me.”

Each one of us starts a journey the moment we are born. Life has a way of changing that journey. But, always remember, the true journey starts from your heart. Stay true to who you are and believe in the immense power you hold. “Strength”.
–Linda J. Wolff

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Babbling Creek

Patience waits silently.
Patience waits
for the mud to settle
and the water to clear.
It remains quiet
till the opportune
- Linda J. Wolff

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Colorful Reflections

shine through others.
There is no time,
to leave words unspoken,
to love not felt.
Time is now,
leave your colorful reflections
in those you love.
–Linda J. Wolff

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Cherry Blossoms

Lingering laughter
She had this laughter,
that lingered
in your mind.
Like the fragrance
that comes from
cherry blossoms
in the springtime.
- Linda J. Wolff

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Skin is a beautiful thing.
Don't be ashamed
of the way you look.
GOD doesn't judge you,
people do.
Love the skin you're in!
–Linda J. Wolff

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About Us

Original Poetry by Linda J. Wolff
Thank you for reading my "10 Quotes To Help YOU Feel Good!"

More about the author Linda J. Wolff:
I am an avid lover of life, nature, and color interpreter, I believe in giving back and “sprinkling” hope supersedes all aspects of my life, writing, and art. In addition, as a creative woman, I understand the journey and process of turning my passion into a reality and a dream that so many people can achieve themselves.

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Photo by DeeAshley