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10 Study Tips to Prepare for Final Exams

Published on Mar 30, 2016

Workshop about effective preparing during final exam period. Suggestions, topics are discussed, such as time management, nutrition, relaxation techniques, etc. Also results from questionnaire answers filled out by architectural undergraduate students.


10 Study Tips to Prepare for Final Exams

Workshop - Dr. Julianna Liptak-Varadi

Untitled Slide

These word clouds are the result of a questionnaire survey filled out be students.

Workshop Activity

  • What are your main issues during exam period?
  • What do you think about possible solutions for them?

Workshop ckecklist

Test yourself how to improve to achieve great results!
Photo by Kalexanderson

Untitled Slide

#1 Enough time to study

Overall plan for exam period - calendar
overall plan for exam period
printed calendar attached to wall

#2 Study spot

organized table - everything close
organized table
plenty of light
calm environment
everything, that is needed should be close

check lots of study spot arrangements on Pinterest for inspiration!

#3 Nutrition

healthy food - plenty of water
Breakfast is important!
5-6 smaller meals daily
brain-boosting food and beverages

Help how to eat during exam period:


#4 Time management

Daily schedule - Breaks
Examples and printables of schedules, Pinterest:


#5 Exercise, breaks

50 minutes study - 10 minutes break
50 minutes studying - 10 minutes break
small physical exercise
drinking, eating
let in fresh air
listening to music, news, etc.

#6 Stress

relaxation techniques - sport, hobby

#7 Minimize distraction

calm, silent environment
Use apps for avoiding (social media) distraction, e.g.:
Selfcontrol (for Mac) https://selfcontrolapp.com/
Focus Lock

useful source:

#8 Own notes

Preparation during semester
preparation during semester
own notes with HIGHLIGHTS,
teachers` opinion, possible questions, etc.

#9 Study groups

Before exam - help each other
revision together with a few friends just before the exam
arrive on time, to have enough time

#10 Day before exam

Revise - Sleep -Don`t panic!

Untitled Slide

Additional Ideas

Thank you for your attention!
Contact information:
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/liptakvaradi
Skype: liptakvaradi

Source of photos:
negativespace.co, lifeofpix.co, pixabay.com