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10 Truths for Unlocking Your Career Purpose

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Discover your career calling through 3 unique steps. A process that involves introspection, fact finding, and decision-making to get clarity on the career you want.


10 Truths

for unlocking your career purpose
Photo by rishibando

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” - Mark Twain

Photo by gagilas

What is my Career Purpose?

career purpose defined

  • Your 'Why'
  • The calling that moves you passionately into action
  • The unique challenges that shape you
  • The work you feel called to
  • Your gateway into personal growth

How to recognize your career purpose

  • Recurring Ideas
  • Synchronicities
  • Feel unready
  • States of effortless flow
  • Strong resistance

clarifying questions

  • What do you believe in?
  • Why do you believe in it? 
  • Whom do you care deeply about serving?
  • What problems do you care about solving?
  • What drives you to act?

Why is this important?

  • Working with purpose & meaning
  • The cost of remaining dissatisfied
  • Feeling alive verses just living
  • That little something only YOU have
  • If you don't do it, who will?

The silent killer

Photo by dryhead

"As we grow more into our light our dark sides really do surface and part of us fights to stay small, clinging to our old ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. As we get closest to love, our greatest fears come alive." - Robin Sharma

Photo by kevin dooley

the culprits

  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Inner Critic
  • State of Mind
  • What is the story you're telling yourself...?
Photo by dryhead

how it looks on the inside

  • Comfort zone
  • Control, perfectionism
  • Feeling stuck
  • Hesitation, Procrastination
  • Self-doubt, judgment

how it looks on the outside

  • Justifying staying in a job we don't love
  • Avoid putting self out there
  • Researching, analyzing, without action
  • Waiting for the "right time"
  • Holding back ideas, opinions, creativity

Conscious Choice

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness.”
– Victor Frankl

Photo by Will Montague

There is another way

  • Letting go of what no longer serves
  • Effortless Joy
  • Bold Confidence
  • Deep Fulfillment
  • High energy
  • Love

truth Practices

  • Journaling
  • Self-Inquiry
  • Pausing/Centering
  • Visualization
  • Practice, practice, practice!
Photo by aftab.

10 Truths revealed

Truth #1
Say Yes To Yourself

Truth #2
Get Clear

Truth #3
Get Rid of The Excuses

Truth #4
Let Go of Blocks & Barriers

Truth #5
Look Fear in the Eye

Truth #6
Stay The Course

Truth #7
Assume Success

Truth #8
Expect Failure

Truth #9
Be Gentle on Yourself

Truth #10
Take Action

"Each man has only one vocation
-- to find the way back to himself" - Hermann Hesse

Invitation to Personal Career Purpose Coaching
Program Includes:
- 10, private sessions
- Audio recordings for all calls
- Private online community for networking, candid conversations, and accountability
- Reflection assignments between calls
- Access to resource library, videos, book recommendations etc.


Photo by Eleaf