10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Published on Jan 18, 2018

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10 Keys to Overcoming Stage Fright

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

be prepared!

  • Understand your topi
  • Research your audience
  • Nail your talking points
  • If you make an error just keep going

Practice makes perfect

Photo by Scott Gruber

practice makes perfect

  • Practice in front of a live audienc
  • Get lots of feedback!
  • Build your confidenc

Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst

  • Write down your fear
  • Make a plan of attack
  • Talk it through
  • Fear loses its hold when you say it out loud



  • What will you hear
  • Who will you see
  • Imagine the perfect outcom
  • Take yourself step by step through the ideal outcom

You are awesome

No one wants you to fail

  • Focus on your audienc
  • Deliver the messag
  • No one is there to judge you

Triple check everything!

Check, then recheck everything

  • What will you be using on stage
  • Have EVERYTHING set up before you go o
  • Once you set foot on stage you don't want to turn around

Know the first five

know the first five (and that's it!)

  • The first 5 are the most anxiety producin
  • Practice these and you will become more confident
  • Once you are past the first 5 you will be in the groove and on your way

fake it til you make it

fake it til you make it

  • Channel adrenaline into excitement
  • Don't try to "fake" your body into a calm state
  • If all else fails get some activity i

be yourself

be yourself

  • Show your personality
  • Make eye contact
  • Be engaging and don't rush!
  • Connect with your audienc

change your inner dialogue

change your inner dialogue

  • Combat negative self talk
  • Add a positive daily mantra to your meditation
  • Start your day with a positive affirmation

You will be amazing

final thoughts

  • The fear of public speaking will never completely vanish however your nerves will begin to energize and excite you! Let these tactics be your guide a more calm and confident public interaction.

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Craig Cannings

Haiku Deck Pro User