104 Northwest Italy

Published on Dec 08, 2015

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Italy - Northwest

  • Piemonte
  • Valle d'Aosta
  • Cultural Influences on the Cuisine
  • Specialty ingredients
Photo by ZeroOne

Foraging and Hunting

  • Wild mushrooms
  • Game
  • White Truffles
  • Hearty grains & herbs
Photo by sammo371


  • Barolo wines
  • Stuffed pasta
  • Potato Gnocchi
  • More dairy
Photo by photobeppus

Valle d'Aosta

  • Borders Switzerland
  • Heavy French and Swiss influence
  • Fontina Cheese
  • Mutton or Goat stewed
  • Buckwheat & rye

White Truffles

Highly prized, larger and more expensive


  • A special variety of corn prized by Italians
  • Used in place of pasta in Northern regions


  • Cooking method for grains not a type of rice
  • Arborio
  • Carnaroli
  • Superfino
  • Vialone Nano

Cornish Game Hen

  • Cross between a Cornish and White Rock Chicken
  • 5 weeks of age when butchered
  • Poussin; young spring chicken more expensive

Semolina is coarse ground Durum Wheat Flour

Photo by tantek

Michael Scott

Haiku Deck Pro User