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14th Amendment

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Photo by space_monkey

The 14th amendment stated that anyone born or Naturalized in the U.S. including freed slaves were citizens of the U.S. Also forbid states from denying citizens rights.


  • Senate passed it 33-11
  • The house passed it 120-32
  • July 28, 1968 it was made an amendment
  • Was passed on the national level

Anyone born in the U.S. Was a citizen. Slaves were then considered citizens.

Brown V board of education May 17, 1954.
Following the Court’s ruling in 1896 of Plessy v. Ferguson, segregation of public schools based solely on race was allowed by states if the facilities were “equal.” Brown overturned that decision. Despite the “equality” of facilities, the Court ruled that separate is inherently unequal. Hence public school segregation based on race was found to be in violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.