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15 facts Creek Tribe

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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15 Facts about The Creeks

By:Alexa Gonzalez

General Information

  • The children didn't have much time to play, but one game they did used to play was stick ball.
  • Children didn't like doing the housing, nor did they like to hunt.
  • Men wore moccasins,when it was on a cold day.
Photo by julesnene


  • The Tribes lived in houses made of plaster, even though it wasn't in good condition.
  • Women did much of the housing; also farmed.
  • Women farmed, even if they were girls.
Photo by Graeme Pow


  • The Tribes lived in houses made of plaster, even though it wasnt in good condition.
  • Women did much of the housing; also farmed.
  • Women farmed, even if they were girls.
Photo by Graeme Pow


  • The Creeks ate deer meat, turkey, and other meats.
  • The Creeks hunted, fished, or even farmed.
  • Stews were cooked on stone hearths,because they didnt have stoves.
Photo by Rami ™


  • Men wore moccasins, on cooler weather.
  • The clothing changed within the season, yet it wasn't that warm.
  • Women wore wrap around skirts, whenever it was a hot day.
Photo by jondresner

Daily Life

  • The Creeks told stories,when they gathered around.
  • Men liked to protect their family,so they went to war.
  • Children could only use tools, if they needed it.
Photo by Alpat