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15th Amendment

Published on Jun 21, 2021

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15th Amendment

Amendment that gave African Americans the right to vote

Judicial Review
The power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional and strike down laws that were not

Rebuilding the south after the Civil War, along with dealing with former confederates and newly freed slaves

Photo by Allen Gathman

14th Amendment
Amendment that granted former slaves citizenship

Photo by Ron Cogswell

Marbury v. Madison
First court case that used judicial review

People who wanted an immediate end to slavery

Photo by Trojan_Llama

13th Amendment
Amendment that banned slavery

Photo by Jim Surkamp

First Amendment
Amendment that includes the freedom of religion, to assemble. press, petition, and speech

Photo by BrentDPayne

Separation of Powers
When government's power is divided into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial

Declaration of Independence
This 1776 document was influenced by John Locke's ideas of natural rights

Photo by kyteacher

Dred Scott
Slave who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom

Abraham Lincoln
President during the Civil War

John C. Calhoun
Created the idea of the Nullification theory which undermines the federal government and principles of the constitution

James Madison
Author the constitution

Photo by Opus Penguin

Lord Baltimore
Founded the colony of Maryland for Catholic refugees

John Locke
Ideas of natural rights are seen in the Declaration of Independence

John Marshall
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who preceded over most of the early judicial review court cases

Thomas Jefferson
Author of the Declaration of Independence

Monroe Doctrine
1823 statement declaring that the American continents should no longer be viewed as open to colonization

Religious group that supported the abolitionist movement

Photo by Thiophene_Guy