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Political History and Social Issues.

How did the United States politics affect climate?

  • In the 1950's the prosperity of time was hope and fear of nuclear attack, known as "baby booms" millions of babies were born annually during the decade.
  • During the time in 1954 there was high inflation and unemployment rate such as 6 percent represented difficult times
  • During the cold war, many middle class families built fallout shelters in hopes of surviving an atomic bomb.

Ground breaking Supreme Court Case

  • Court struck down segregation of African American students in law to graduate school in 1950.

Developement of the United States

  • After the WWII traditional roles were reaffirmed.
  • Men were still expected to be breadwinner. Women even though they still worked, assumed their place was at home.
  • Musicians and artists rebelled as well.
  • Elvis Presley popularized black music. In addition Elvis and other rock and roll singers demonstrated that there was white American culture.

Politics and Social issues

  • Americans were well on the way to becoming a motorized society before the 1950's.
  • Depression and te halt in auto in WWII slowed the grow down.